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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The council of the Département of Val-d'Oise (northern France) has announced in a recent press release that it is going to propose a remote assistance service for the elderly and/or the disabled inhabitants of the Département.

The aim is to promote the living at home without worries of seniors and people with disabilities by allowing them to obtain physical, moral or psychological support when they need it. Tele-assistance can reduce the fear of fainting or falling thanks to the availability of an interlocutor at all times.

In practice, a remote control (a pendant, a bracelet or a pin placed on one's clothes) is linked to a transmitter. The device is connected to a monitoring centre reachable 24 hours, 7 days a week, thus providing emergency assistance anytime. When seeking moral support, the users of the tele-assistance services only need to press a switch on the remote control and specify that they want to be put in contact with a psychologist.

Tele-assistance also acts as a preventive tool. Indeed, many people do not know how to protect themselves in events of heatwaves or freezing winters. This lack of information is often the source of accidents that could be prevented. Tele-assistance is of great help in this context as the concerned persons can receive important recommendations for their health via their transmitter.

The government of the Département expects to reach over 10 000 people with this service.

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Quelle/Source: epractice, 28.04.2010

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