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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Pilotbetrieb gestartet | Auskünfte vorerst in Österreich und Deutschland | Deutsches Datenschutzzentrum kontrolliert

Unter dem Namen RISER [Registry Information Service on European Residents] nimmt ab sofort der erste E-Government-Dienst für grenzüberschreitende Meldeauskünfte in Europa seinen Pilotbetrieb auf.

Read more: EU: Melderegister überschreitet Grenzen

Erster eGovernment-Dienst für grenzüberschreitende Meldeauskünfte nimmt Pilotbetrieb auf

Ab sofort können Unternehmen und Bürger Melderegisterauskünfte in Deutschland und Österreich einfach, sicher und kostengünstig über das Internetportal in Auftrag geben.

Read more: Europäische Meldeauskunft RISER gestartet

European governments will spend widely differing amounts on getting services online, according to IDC researchers.

The survey looked at how spending in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK will increase up to 2008. Britain is expected to boost its annual budget from $828m in 2004 to just under $1.2bn in 2008.

Read more: EU: UK sets $1.2bn eGov budget

The governments of the biggest economies in Western Europe will keep pumping cash into e-government for the foreseeable future, a report has said.

Research company IDC has claimed that the five biggest countries in Western Europe -- the UK, Germany, Spain, France and Italy -- will spend increasing amounts on e-government projects over the next four years.

Read more: European e-gov spending on the up

E-government IT spending in the top five countries in Western Europe is expected to increase over the next few years, according market advisory company IDC. The research firm analyzed IT spending on e-government in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK.

Read more: IT spending on e-government to grow in Western Europe – report

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