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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

MTN Rwanda has launched a new service on it MTN Mobile Money platform which will make it easier for parents to pay schools fees.

"It has not been very easy for schools to collect on time school fees for children and this is why as MTN, we decided to invest in a platform that would enable parents pay school fees for their children conveniently," Norman Munyampundu, General Manager of MTN Business said during the launch of the service in Kigali last week.

Read more: MTN Rwanda Makes Fees Payments Easier

Rwanda was ranked first worldwide in government success to promote Information and Communications Technology (ICT).

According to the Global Information Technology report 2015, Rwanda scored 6.2 points out of a possible seven.

The GIT report is compiled by the Geneva-based World Economic Forum. Overall, Rwanda was ranked 83 out of 143 countries surveyed covering all categories, but first in East Africa and 5th in sub-Saharan Africa.

Read more: Rwanda Leads in Global ICT

The republic of Rwanda, reputed to be East Africa’s hub for technology, has been recently selected to be the regions center of excellence in e-health, biomedical engineering, health vaccines and immunization logistics. The appointment was made by health experts from the East African Community (EAC) who recently met in Uganda for the fifth annual EAC Health and Scientific Conference.

E-health is an evolving innovative practice involving the use of electronic processes and communication to promote healthcare. First appearing on the scene in 1999, it is closely related to health informatics, cyber medicine and m-health (mobile health). Being a low cost and easily accessible service, it continues to gather momentum and popularity across the globe.

Read more: Rwanda tasked with pioneering eHealth for East Africa

The Global Information Technology Report (GITR) 2015 has ranked Rwanda first globally for Government Success in ICT promotion to drive social and economic transformation. According to the report, which was compiled by World Economic Forum (WEF), Rwanda scored 6.2 points out of 7.

The Report was released on Wednesday, 15 April 2015 in Geneva, Switzerland. It features the latest iteration of the Networked Readiness Index which assesses the factors, policies and institutions that enable countries to leverage ICTs for increased competitiveness and well-being. Government Success in ICT promotion is one of several sub-indexes of the GITR index overall, where Rwanda is ranked number one.

Read more: Rwanda ranked first globally for ICT promotion

Rwanda has been commended as a model in using ICT and e-Governance for sustainable development by the experts in ICT and policy makers who gathered in Kigali last week for the Commonwealth e-Governance Forum Africa.

Professor Tim Unwin, the Secretary General of the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO) lauded Rwanda’s efforts in harnessing ICTs potentials to increase accountability and transparency.

Read more: Rwanda commended for using ICT for sustainable development

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