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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

In 2006, the Government of Rwanda partnered with the International Telecommunications Union to host the Connect Africa Summit that was held in Kigali the next year.

The leaders of our continent understood that the rapid advances of information and communication technology represented an opportunity for the continent to leapfrog the agrarian and industrial stages of development and compete with the rest of the world in the information age, with a better level playing field.

Read more: RW: Connecting the continent, accelerating transformation

The Rwanda Land Management and Use Authority has announced that transactions related to transfer of land title by sale will be done via Irembo portal effective May.

The Rwanda Land Management and Use Authority (RLMUA), has announced that transactions related to transfer of land title by sale will be done via Irembo portal effective May 01, 2018.

Read more: RW: Transfer of Land Title Goes Online

Rwandans are now able to address any of their complaints to any ministry or other government institutions without leaving their places, Local Government minister Francis Kaboneka announced on Tuesday.

A simple free of charge cellphone message to 5353 will direct one’s complaint to the concerned ministry or department within a short period of time.

Read more: RW: Govt eases filing of citizens complaints

Subscribers of the community based health insurance (Mutuelle de santé) across the country will from next financial year no longer be required to show their subscription cards to access medical services.

Officials at Rwanda Social Security Board (RSSB) said in an interview with Sunday Times on Friday that they will roll out an e-payment system in the next fiscal year 2018-2019 whereby clients will pay their annual premiums using the services of Irembo and MobiCash.

Read more: RW: Mutuelle subscribers to use IDs to access healthcare

The National Identification Agency (NIDA) has announced that, effective February 1, all citizens will be required to apply for ID replacement via the Irembo platform.

Launched in July 2015, Irembo is a one-stop portal for Rwanda’s e-Government services.

National ID related services have been up on Irembo for about a year now.

Read more: RW: NIDA eases procedure for ID replacement

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