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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
With effect from January next year, the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI) will conduct its services online, the Minister for Agriculture, Anastase Murekezi, has said.

He said his ministry is currently installing a telecommunications system to help identify and monitor the scale of agriculture production in the country.

The system is to assist in online monitoring of crop production among the Rwandan society and where or how the government can intervene in case of harvest deficit, Murekezi said.

Read more: Rwanda: Agriculture Ministry To Go Online - Murekezi

There was again, the same look - a combination of concern and disbelief — when I told a colleague that I’d been working in Rwanda. After all, what do we in the outside world know about Rwanda? A small country with a history of unspeakable violence and ethnic division, perhaps, but a place of opportunity? A leader of Africa’s march into the 21st century? Rwanda?

For all its challenges, Rwanda is by nearly all accounts making tremendous strides, working to re-build into a modern, knowledge-based economy. In fact, a number of Rwanda-watchers these days see the country on track to become the hottest IT spot between Cairo and Durban, a kind of “Silicon Valley of East-Central Africa.” But it certainly did not have to be this way…

Read more: Rwanda's knowledge revolution

The government will start advertising public tenders on the internet beginning next year, Finance and Economic Planning minister, James Musoni, has said. Musoni said this was in line with the government's policy of transparency and faster services. He was speaking yesterday at Hotel Intercontinental, during an interactive meeting between several government officials and the visiting Chief Executive Officer of the Development Gateway Foundation (DGF), Mark Fleeton. In his presentation, Fleeton highlighted some of the new technological systems such as dgMarket (digital market) that eases transparence and saving for government procurements, Aid management platform which is a web-based information sharing system that captures and streamlines aid management processes between developing countries and donors.

Read more: Rwanda: Govt Tenders to Go Online

Rwandans can now fill in passport application forms online and track them on the internet to find out whether they are ready or not.

The Rwanda Immigration and Emigration website also has downloadable visa forms in portable digital format (PDF).

Visitors from as far as North America and Europe need not travel looking for the nearest Rwandan Embassy, the whole process is summarised online at the click of a mouse and a print out will grant one an authorised entry facility into the central African country. Surfer applicants can use either the English or French versions.

Read more: Rwanda: Country Introduces Online Passport Tracking

Senator Wellars Gasamagera has asked intellectual in the country to work with the parliament for an effective role of shaping the information society through use of information and communications technology (ICT), as a tool to transform Rwanda from agricultural to a knowledge based economy.

Gasamagera made the call on October 6, during a one-day international workshop that brought together development gateway managers from 13 African countries, ICT directors from different organizations, Researchers and students in the master's degree program in ICT.

Read more: Rwanda: Senator Trains Gateway Managers On E-Government

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