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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Minister of Youth and ICT, Jean Philbert Nsengimana, has said ICT is not exclusively made for elites but for all the people. He made the remarks recently at his office during an exclusive interview with The New Times.

"In fact we want people to realise that ICT is not for elites, it's not something made for the rich and the city dwellers, it's something that is targeting that same Rwandan who benefited from gir'inka, Bye Bye Nyakatsi, VUP Umurenge, among others," he emphasised.

He stressed that all Rwandans should benefit from the ICT programmes that the country is running.

Read more: RW: ICT Is Not a Preserve of Elites-Minister Nsengimana

In a bid to make its citizens more ICT versatile, the Rwanda’s Ministry of Disaster and Refugee Management have launched an ICT driven approach where they are giving sectors interned based cell phones to be used to communicate better upon the strike of a disaster.

Darla Rudakubana, the ministry’s communications specialist commented that the cost of the entire project amounted to $164,000.

She further explained that the scheme would seek to distribute handsets at sector level and smart phones at district level and this action will lead to better reporting and response from the authorities.

Read more: Rwanda: ICT to aid in disaster awareness

The local government intends to put more efforts in service delivery to local communities as new technologies spread across the country, Cyrille Turatsinze, the permanent secretary at the ministry of local government, has announced.

"We plan to map ICT infrastructure so that all people can get access to available facilities across the country," he said.

According to the official, many projects will be embraced with the use of new technologies so as to ensure fast and good service delivery to communities.

Read more: RW: Local Government to Step Up Use of ICT

Cyrille Turatsinze, PS at the ministry of local government in Rwanda said that the local government was hoping to put more efforts in delivery of new technologies.

He added that the government was also hoping to get people to access ICT infrastructure in the country.

“The local government intends to put more efforts in service delivery to local communities as new technologies spread across the country,” he said.

Read more: RW: Improving ICT

The launching of the sophisticated information access centre at the Kenyan based campus of Multimedia University college, includes some promising news for Rwandan students, RNA has reliably learnt.

An official press release issued Tuesday in Kigali says a new facility which was established at the campus premises of Multimedia Universty in Nairobi will radically improve the quality of service and infrastructure for students, by enabling citizens anywhere to access information and knowledge. It has also opened new channels for service delivery in areas such as e-government, e-education and e-health.

Read more: Rwandan students to benefit first ever sophisticated video conference facility in region

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