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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
On September 24th, Global Partnership for TeleHealth (GPT) traveled to Kazakhstan to meet with government officials and key business stakeholders discussing investment opportunities in healthcare and medicine. GPT was privileged to be one of only 100 invited guests and the only representation from the United States.

The Astana-Health 2014 exhibition brings together over 15 countries to exhibit and discuss medical and healthcare investment opportunities around the world. With an emphasis on the investment climate of Kazakhstan and attraction of the Kazakhstani business leaders toward investing and implementation of healthcare projects, GPT was happy to present and demo our network and technology. Dr. Jeffrey Kesler attended this event and discussed how GPT technology and network capabilities encompasses not only the development of medicine in rural and underserved parts of the world, but also its connection to pharmaceuticals, education, and high resolution digital images that can be utilized for patient visits.

Read more: Global Partnership for TeleHealth (GPT) traveled to Kazakhstan to meet with government officials

Kazakhstan’s hosting of the recent third Global E-Government Forum under the auspices of the United Nations is part of the country’s effort to develop an effective and user-friendly e-government platform.

“We are dedicated to simplifying the mechanism of interaction between businesses and the state. E-procurement, electronic document management, e-tax, e-licensing, information systems, as well as the payment of pensions and benefits have already shown to be effective. Furthermore, the cloud platform will create an ‘open government’ and thus increase the transparency of public authorities to businesses and the public,” said Kazakh Prime Minister Karim Massimov, who attended the forum along with UN Deputy Secretary-General Wu Hongbo, government officials, scholars and leading international experts in the field of ICT from more than 70 countries.

Read more: Kazakhstan Going Mobile, Announces Official During E-Government Forum

The development of information technologies will be supported by the government of Kazakhstan, the country’s prime minister, Karim Massimov said Oct. 7 at the Global e-Government Forum 2014, held in Astana.

“The information technologies’ development has a profound impact on society,” Massimov said. “Our government wants to promote the country’s positive development through the use of information and communication technologies (ICT).”

Read more: Kazakh government to support IT sector’s development, PM says

The development of information technologies will be supported by the government of Kazakhstan, Prime minister Karim Massimov made the remark at the Global e-Government Forum 2014 in Astana.

"The information technologies' development has a profound impact on society," Massimov said. "Our government wants to promote the country's positive development through the use of information and communication technologies (ICT)."

Read more: Kazakh government to back IT development

The UN will help Kazakhstan to develop its e-government, Tengrinews reports.

Majilis [the lower chamber of Parliament] has approved the draft law "On ratification of the Agreement between the Government of Kazakhstan and the UN on trust fund for technical cooperation" on October 1.

As noted in the conclusion of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense and Security of the Majilis, the purpose of the agreement is to build capacity in the field of e-government and public administration, and to popularise Kazakhstan's own e-government experience among developing countries.

Read more: UN to help Kazakhstan develop e-government

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