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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
A new Government scheme targets growth in the information and communications technology industry at two-to-three times the growth in gross domestic production (GDP) through 2020.

The sector would contribute about 8-10 per cent of annual GDP under the plan signed by Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung. In 2009, it accounted for about 7 per cent of GDP.

The industry managed to record a growth rate of more than 20 per cent in 2009 despite the global economic downturn, earning a total of US$6.26 billion. The hardware sector saw annual growth of 10 per cent, while the software sector has notched up growth of 50 per cent.

Read more: Vietnam: Gov’t looks to boost IT sector

Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, localities and enterprises nationwide are encouraged to take part in the trial project of an online bidding application so as to improve their operation efficiency and raise the popularity of the method , according to a conference held by the Ministry of Planning and Investment on Wednesday.

Deputy Minister Dang Huy Dong said that the trial programme proves the Government's determination to boost transparency and fight corruption during the bidding process, and increase the efficiency of public investment projects.

Read more: Vietnam: Government promotes e-bidding

A delegation of the Division for Coordination of IT in the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam offices (OKITPU), headed by Dao Tchong Thi, met in Moscow the Russian operator Rostelecom's experts from the e-Government Project Office.

The parties discussed principles and approaches for the formation of e-fovernment in Russia, design and technological solutions in the field of building infrastructure, as well as prospects for providing electronic public services to citizens of Russia and Vietnam.

Read more: Vietnam interested in Russian e-government experience

E-bidding has made public procurement a transparent and open process. It has also reduced wastefulness in public spending, saved time and bidding fees, and enabled bidders and contractors to be more proactive.

These were initial assessments by the Ministry of Planning and Investment, municipal departments, sectors and businesses which have taken part in a pilot e-bidding project.

E-bidding has been implemented on a trial basis at the Hanoi City People’s Committee, the Vietnam Post and Telecommunication Group, and the Electricity of Vietnam via the portal

Read more: Vietnam: E-bidding makes public procurement transparent

The Vietnamese government has approved a plan to transfer elements of its administration online from 2011 to 2015 to better inform residents of government operations.

The plan to develop an e-government was proposed by the Ministry of Information and Communications.

It aims to increase the efficiency of government agencies while reducing operation costs and making government actions more transparent, according to the proposal signed Friday last week by Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung.

Read more: Vietnam: Government to go online

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