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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
I rarely need to put a headset throughout almost the entire duration of a conference, but FutureGov Forum Vietnam turned out to be one of the most meaningful events I have been to.

At the forum, I moderated three panel discussions at the forum, through the diligent (and excellent) work of our interpreters who sat in the black boxes at the back. Language did not become a barrier – I was deeply impressed by the officials’ professionalism, and their down-to-earth to tackling challenges and sharing with their peers.

To set the stage, Dr Nguyen Minh Hong, Vice Minister from the Ministry of Information and Communications, shared the country’s vision to become a leading country in e-government by 2020. Concrete plans have been made to achieve this strategic objective, including policies, procedures and a number of national databases being built. Dr Hong reminded the attending officials about a few new policies/services to be rolled out, which government departments are required to adhere to. An example of those is the digital certificate for online transactions, mandated in a recent government circular.

Read more: On e-govt, Vietnam will impress

Following an increase in cyber-attacks of government websites across the region, the Ministry of Information and Communication has called on government agencies to enhance the security of their respective electronic portals.

According to the Ministry, two of the most common cyber-attacks include defacement, which changes the interface of a site, and denial-of-service attacks, which prevents users from accessing computer sources.

The Ministry called on agencies to regularly run virus scans, use firewalls, change network administration usernames and passwords to secure their respective systems.

Read more: Vietnam enhances security of online platforms

Viet Nam has accelerated its e-government application in order to make State activities more effective and transparent, according to Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Minh Hong.

Hong said that the information and technology (IT) application has helped people from remote areas access public services, improving quality and sharply reducing service costs.

"Viet Nam needs to improve the effectiveness of its public services via cloud computing technology for purposes of the national safety development, mobilising people in administrative reform," he told a forum on e-government last week.

Read more: VN: Ministry promotes enhanced e-gov't

Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Thien Nhan has highlighted the great contributions of the Vietnam Government Web Portal (VGP) to the dissemination of the Government’s instruction and management as well as to national socio-economic development.

Deputy PM Nhan made his remark at a working visit to the VGP in Hanoi on June 21, on the occasion of Vietnam’s Revolutionary Press Day (June 21, 1925 - June 21, 2011).

Nhan commended VGP’s constant renewal in content and design, saying it deserves to be the bridge between the Government and people.

Read more: VN: Deputy Prime Minister highlights Gov’t web portal benefits

The US Department of Commerce (DOC) supports the project to turn Vietnam into a strong information technology (IT) nation and promote the application of e-government.

This was confirmed by representatives from DOC at a reception for Minister of Information and Communication Le Doan Hop during his visit to the US from June 9-14.

The visit aimed to promote Vietnam’s development potential in IT and Communication field, promote bilateral trade in ICT between the two countries, especially in training human resources and creating favourable conditions for IT companies to access the market and seek partners in the US.

Read more: US supports Vietnam’s IT development

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