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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The government of Vietnam is poised to provide 5.2 million rural workers including public civil servants in the country with ICT training starting this year up to 2015.

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has approved a project dubbed ‘Training for rural workers by 2020’ aimed at training one million rural workers, including training and retraining 100,000 public servants officials annually.

To implement the programme, Ministry of Home Affairs will train 204,167 civil servants in the country under its project called ‘Training and retraining of civil servants of communes by 2020.

Read more: Vietnam govt to give 5 million rural workers free IT training

Vietnam’s Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has approved early this year a VND25 trillion (US$1.19 billion) project on rural information and communication development for 2011 to 2012.

The project aims to provide multi-service broadband connection to boost telecommunication infrastructure and services in remote areas of the country.

“By 2020, internet subscribers in rural areas will account for 30-40% of the national average density,” the government said.

Read more: Govt allocates US$1.2bn to connect rural Vietnam

Viet Nam is going to launch its first national e-health plans this year, the Ministry of Health has said.

Director of the Department of Medical Services Administration Luong Ngoc Khue told Viet Nam News that a national telemedicine service and a synchronous electronic medical records system would be set up in four years' time under the plans.

The telemedicine service was awaiting approval from the Minister of Health and the Prime Minister and the blueprints for the records system would be completed soon, he said.

Read more: VN: Online healthcare projects planned

PM Nguyen Tan Dung just approved a Master Plan on information technology which aims to convert Vietnam into a top ten IT power by 2020.

The overall target of the plan emphasizes international standards for IT human resources and the key role played by the industry, especially software and digital content as well as services, in GDP growth and exports.

IT industry is expected to contribute around 8-10 per cent of the country’s GDP and its revenue growth to double or triple the GDP growth rate by 2020.

Read more: VN: IT Master Plan approved

The central coastal city of Da Nang city will join the Open Data Centre Alliance (ODCA) on January 1, 2011.

It was announced at a seminar on December 17 that with the support of Intel, Da Nang will be the first city in Vietnam to benefit from ODCA’s end products in cloud computing and will establish an open-standard data centre to connect all data in the area for State and business management.

Pham Do Tuan, chief representative of Intel Vietnam said that ODCA membership would provide a chance to approach leading global information technology (IT) businesses, helping raise the city’s IT capacity.

Read more: Vietnam: Da Nang to join open data centre alliance

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