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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Universitas Indonesia (UI) has collaborated with Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, to introduce the first post-graduate e-Government program in Asia Pacific.

The e-government program is developed specifically to enable professionals to learn, develop and manage e-government initiatives such as the transformation of digital services and the online form of public engagement.

Read more: ID: UI Collaborates with Victoria University of Wellington on e-Government Program

Government looking to cut “wasteful” spending.

The Indonesian government will be implementing an “integrated and centralized e-government system” in 2017, it was announced this week.

Currently, Indonesia’s ministries, institutions and local governments run separate e-government systems. The “lack of integration” of e-government systems in Indonesia has resulted in “wasteful expenditure” for the government, Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Minister Asman Abnur was quoted as saying by Antara News.

Read more: Indonesia to launch integrated e-government system

The Jakarta provincial government and the Jakarta Encryption Agency on Friday (29/4) signed a cooperation deal to implemented the electronic permit certificate program aimed at preventing document forgery.

“With this electronic permit certificate, things will be fast and without hassle,” said Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama.

Read more: ID: Jakarta to Issue Electronic Permit Certificates

The Communications and Informatics Ministry has picked Mimika of Papua, to be included among 25 regencies in the country to build a smart city in 2017.

A smart city is an urban development vision to integrate information and communication technology and Internet of things technology in a secure fashion to manage a citys assets.

Read more: Government chooses Mimika to be one of Indonesia`s smart cities

  • Basic infrastructure such as a reliable power supply must be in place
  • Government driven initiatives such as smart city projects are crucial to further progress

The Indonesian digital ecosystem is increasingly moving towards utilising cloud and data centres in the government and private sectors to increase transparency and offer faster access.

At the DCD Indonesia 2017 conference, three local cloud providers share their thoughts on the future of cloud and data centres as well as what it takes to support their growth and implementation.

Read more: Future of cloud and data centres in Indonesia

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