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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Officials from the Domestic Policy Strategy Agency (BSKDN) of the Home Affairs Ministry embarked on a visit to South Korea to learn how to improve the implementation of smart governance at the national level.

BSKDN head Yusharto Huntoyungo informed that the official visit is a strategic step aimed at exploring innovation and best practices pertaining to smart government implemented by the South Korean government.

Read more: Indonesia to take notes from South Korea's smart governance

The Nusantara Capital Authority (OIKN) and US-based multinational company Honeywell agreed to cooperate in applying the smart city concept in the development of the new capital city (IKN) Nusantara in East Kalimantan.

"This cooperation is expected to expedite the development of Nusantara as a smart city in accordance with the Smart City Blueprint of Nusantara," OIKN Deputy for Green and Digital Transformations Mohammed Ali Berawi noted in OIKN's statement cited in Jakarta on Wednesday.

Read more: ID: OIKN, Honeywell to work together to develop Nusantara as smart city

Digital transformation will be a key pillar in building Indonesia’s new capital, Nusantara, and the focus will be developing high-capacity infrastructure, high-speed internet networks, and using the latest technology to support all activities in the archipelago.

11,900 Indonesian civil servants are packing their bags right now. The plan? To move to a planned city on an island more than 1000 kilometres away by September – and kickstart one of the world’s most ambitious plans to relocate a capital city.

Read more: Indonesia's new capital Nusantara to become tech-enabled smart city

The Nusantara Capital Authority (OIKN) stated that around 50 Letters of Intent (LOI) were received in connection with the development of IKN Smart City technology in East Kalimantan.

"There are more than 50 LOI showing interest for smart city technology at IKN," OIKN's Deputy for Green and Digital Transformation, Mohammed Ali Berawi, remarked in Jakarta on Monday.

Read more: ID: Nusantara: More than 50 LOI show interest in IKN smart city concept

The City Government of Magelang, Central Java, socialized the map of the electronic-based government system (SPBE) in support of the 2022 "Smart City" implementation. explain this activity to support the implementation of "Smart City" 2022 and provide understanding to OPD on their respective roles. Development of the City of Magelang," he said quoted by Antara. The target of the socialization was 60 participants who were the heads of the OPD, sub-district heads, village heads, and BUMD directors in Magelang City where all participants were interested parties and had an important role in accelerating the implementation of SPBE towards transformation. digital in local government. Wikan conveyed the results of this socialization, among others, an action plan that is aligned and guided by the Magelang City SPBE plan map document for 2021-2026, and optimization of SPBE implementation in Magelang City. economical, and complete," he said. Mayor of Magelang Muchamad Nur Aziz is optimistic that the Magelang City Government can implement SPBE because it is a mandate of the bureaucratic reform law.

Read more: ID: Java: Magelang Promotes Electronic-Based Government System

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