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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

President Joko Widodo has stated that he will reform public service delivery in the next five years. He wishes to create a ‘Pemerintahan Digital Melayani’ (digitised service government) that has citizen perspective/orientation (citizen first). This objective will be achieved through several strategies, such as integrating national and subnational services, as well as strengthening online services (e-services).

There are two keywords that will be emphasised in implementing both strategies that is integrated and online. These keywords will differentiate our upcoming strategies with the previous period.

Read more: Indonesia’s vision for digital government in 2025

The Environment and Forestry Ministry has announced today, February 11, that the Strategic Environmental Assessment (KLHS) on the relocation of the capital city to East Kalimantan has completed.

Based on the result, the government will apply 10 principles of smart and forest city in the new administrative center, said the ministry’s expert staffer for the economy and natural resources Laksmi Wijayanti.

Read more: ID: Jakarta: Govt to Apply 10 Principles in Designing Smart Capital City

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo remarked that the speed of service is the key to bureaucratic reform as one of the national priorities agenda for his next term during his speech in the Indonesia Vision event last July in Bogor, West Java.

He strongly emphasized that institutions without a reforming action would be eliminated and he himself would monitor the efficiency and effectiveness of institutions to improve the current public service speed.

Read more: Speedy public service: How can Indonesia realize it?

My EG Services Bhd (MyEG) announced today that its Indonesian associate PT Cartenz Inti Utama has secured additional government mandates to roll out its tax monitoring system to 30 more cities, marking an expansion to the programme that is already actively underway in Jakarta.

It did not disclose the value of the contract.

Read more: MyEG rolls out tax monitoring system to 30 more cities in Indonesia

The alarming increase in the number of traffic accidents in Indonesia every year motivated the developers to create the app.

The students of Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Indonesia have developed an application that will help reduce the number of traffic accidents.

According to a recent press release, D’BOS has the capability to assess driver behaviour, thereby preventing the possible occurrence of accidents.

Read more: An app to reduce Indonesia’s traffic accidents

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