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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Indonesia’s Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati has officially launched an electronic seal with a nominal value of 10,000 rupiahs (0.70 U.S. dollars) per stamp which can give legal certainty to electronic documents.

According to the minister, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the application of digital technology, including in transactions using no papers.

Read more: Indonesia officially launches electronic stamps

All stakeholders believe that implementing e-government (SPBE) will be key to efficient, high-quality, transparent, and accountable public services by making use of efficiently integrated data from both central and regional governments.

The belief was affirmed at the second day of the Satu Data Indonesia WebSummit on e-government for national economic recovery. The WebSummit, held virtually and saw 1,400 participants in attendance, presented Chief of Presidential Staff General TNI Purn. Dr. Moeldoko, Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas Dr. Ir. H. Suharso Monoarfa, Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform H. Tjahjo Kumolo, SH., and Indonesian Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China and Mongolia Drs. Djauhari Oratmangun as keynote speakers.

Read more: One data Indonesia policy and e-government implementation require the support from technology...

Digitization can play an important role in developing sharia economy and finance in Indonesia because it could arrest a decline in the sale of halal products, boost certification of such products, and enable social fund transactions, Vice President Ma’ruf Amin.

"Digitization can play a significant role in, among other things, holding the pace of the decline in the sales of halal industrial products, accelerating online audit mechanisms in applying for halal certificates, and encouraging an increase in the value of sharia (economy),” Amin said.

Read more: ID: Digitization can help push sharia economy development: VP

  • Launches firstly in Solo city, Indonesia as part of a revitalisation campaign
  • Aimed at helping SMEs get back on feet before launching in other cities

Indonsian telco Indosat Tbk (Indosat Ooredoo) has announced the launch of its first commercial 5G services in the city of Solo.

The new 5G services offers Indosat Ooredoo's consumer and business customers access to enhanced mobile broadband internet, empowering the city’s economic recovery and digital transformation, the company said in a statement.

Read more: ID: Indosat Ooredoo launches commercial 5G in Solo city

The National Development Planning Ministry/National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) is drafting a strategy to drive digital transformation to boost the utilization of digital technology and bolster growth of a sustainable and low-carbon economy (green economy).

The strategy contained in the Major Project of Digital Transformation also confirms the commitment of ministries and institutions to support the acceleration of expanded and increased access to digital infrastructures, utilization of resources in strategic sectors, and the enablers of digital transformation under the principles of digital sovereignty and self-reliance.

Read more: ID: Bappenas readies strategy to boost digital transformation

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