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Saturday, 28.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The Nusantara Capital Authority (OIKN) and US-based multinational company Honeywell agreed to cooperate in applying the smart city concept in the development of the new capital city (IKN) Nusantara in East Kalimantan.

"This cooperation is expected to expedite the development of Nusantara as a smart city in accordance with the Smart City Blueprint of Nusantara," OIKN Deputy for Green and Digital Transformations Mohammed Ali Berawi noted in OIKN's statement cited in Jakarta on Wednesday.

He made the statement after signing a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with President of Honeywell Asia Steven Lien.

According to Berawi, the OIKN had earlier forged collaborations with several global technology companies for the development of Nusantara as a smart city.

He then elaborated on the newly signed MoU, saying that the document serves as a foundation for the OIKN and Honeywell to exchange experiences in the planning and implementation of the smart city concept.

The official further stated that the adoption of the concept in Nusantara would help the Indonesian government manage the city efficiently while stimulating the development of the green economy.

Honeywell Asia's Lien, for his part, expressed his eagerness to take part in developing Nusantara as a smart city that is free from carbon emissions.

Lien noted that his side would offer Indonesia the technology and solutions required for making Nusantara a smart and sustainable capital city.

President Director of Honeywell Indonesia David Hutagalung, who was also present at the MoU signing, affirmed that the agreement document serves as a testament to the company's commitment to providing concrete support for Nusantara's development.

He further revealed that this year, Honeywell would join fellow US-based corporations in conducting a proof-of-concept (POC) trial on the development of Nusantara's Integrated Command and Control Center, backed by the United States Trade and Development Agency.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Azis Kurmala

Quelle/Source: Antara News, 12.06.2024

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