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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The first of its kind survey conducted by the Information Technology Authority (ITA) on ‘Access to and Use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) by Households and Individuals 2013’, has thrown up some interesting facts.

The survey, which covered 11,000 randomly selected households across the sultanate, found that more than 90 per cent of them possess at least one mobile phone or smartphone, more than 80 per cent own at least one computer, and about 80 per cent of households in Oman have Internet access.

Read more: 80% households in Oman have Internet access

Plans for supporting government agencies to share information were discussed by top executives of National Centre for Statistics and Information (NCSI) and Information Technology Authority (ITA) in course of Knowledge Oasis Muscat recently.

Dr Khalifa bin Abdullah Al Barwani, the CEO of NCSI, and Dr. Salim bin Sultan Al Ruzaiqi, CEO of ITA focused on the importance of sharing knowledge and information between government agencies to assist in the future development of the Sultanate. A number of senior officials from both organisations were also present.

Read more: OM: NCSI, ITA mull ways to boost e-government capabilities

To make the best use of the ubiquitous mobile app, and use its development not only to boost ICT industry, but also to support the fledgling SME sector as well as train budding talent, the Information Technology Authority (ITA) is mulling setting up a Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Mobile Application Development.

With an eye on changing ICT dynamics and the need to have an in-grown apps industry, the authority recently invited an Expressions of Interest (EOI) for which the last date of submission of response by interested parties was January 14.

Read more: OM: ITA plans setting up Centre of Excellence for Mobile Application Development

The National Centre for Statistics and Information (NCSI) and the Information Technology Authority (ITA) are looking at ways to enhance the e-governance capabilities in the Sultanate.

A meeting of officials of both the organisations was held on Sunday at Knowledge Oasis Muscat and was attended by NCSI chief executive officer HE Khalifa Bin Abdullah Al Barwani and ITA chief executive Salim Bin Sultan Al Ruzaiqi.

Read more: OM: NCSI, ITA in bid to boost e-governance

The Information Technology Authority (ITA) pavilion at Amerat Park is promoting the public use of e-services under the theme 'e’ Makes it Easy'.

A press release said that by participating in the festival, ITA can reach various segments of the community and promote its projects and initiatives under the umbrella of e.oman.

Read more: OM: ITA guiding festival visitors on use of e-government services

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