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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The official eGovernment Services Portal (, continues to be largely ineffective even after more than three years of its launch. For about three years in the run-up to its official launch on November 8, 2009, the local print media was flooded with tall claims that as the main gateway to online government services, this portal will bridge the gap between government bodies and citizens, residents, visitors and the business sector.

Oman Observer caught up with a number of experts to find out how often and effectively one can use the e-services of this portal. When asked have you or your friends used the portal for any e-services, Sameer Gupta, Executive Vice-President, Infoline LLC, said he used it to” pay various bills, make payments electronically, and to check and pay traffic fines”. Samia Naqvi, Senior Lecturer, Middle East College, echoed similar sentiments when she said “I use it only to check my driving fines status”.

Read more: OM: Is e-government, the main portal delayed inordinately?

The Royal Oman Police has entered into a deal with a digital security firm to provide an end-to-end electronic passport solution for the Sultanate.

After the deal, Gemalto will be working with the government to introduce state-of-the-art secure travel documents. The e-Passport initiative is part of the government’s aim of providing enhanced services and protection to its citizens through the use of latest digital security technologies. As part of the deal, Gemalto’s ICAO compliant Sealys e-Passport documents and full Coesys solution suite will be used to enroll citizens and issue personalized, secure travel documents. The company will also be providing training, support and maintenance services.

Read more: OM: e-Passport to revolutionize travel

Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser Al Bakri, Minister of Manpower said that this year will witness an increase in implementation of e-government in all transactions of the Ministry, thus eliminating the need for paper transactions. During a meeting with officials of the ministry, Sheikh Al Bakri said that the ministry had a number of achievements in different sectors last year which include the labour, technical and vocational sectors.

He highlighted the efforts made by the ministry with relation to implementing the Royal Orders related to the employment of jobseekers at the private sector. The minister also underlined the importance of applying the Labour Laws by the private sector's institutions and said that it is necessary for the private sector to be aware of the Labour Laws and the ministerial decisions.

Read more: OM: Manpower Ministry to boost e-system

The Ministry of Civil Service organised an honouring ceremony at Crowne Plaza Hotel yesterday to honour participants in Symposium on Mechanisms to Develop Governmental Performance and Sultan Qaboos Award for Excellence in e-Government 2012. The ceremony was held under the patronage of Shaikh Khalid bin Omar al Marhoon, Minister of Civil Service, who said that the ceremony comes to reward the employees to achieve goals of the ministry.

He added that the Human Resources System "Mawrid," which obtained the Sultan Qaboos Award for Excellence in e-governmental service as the best 1358859507389632200 e-governmental project from governmental institution to governmental institution, is considered as one of the successful projects as it also obtained two awards from the United Nations (UN) and one gulf award.

Read more: OM: Symposium participants honoured for excellence in e-gov service

The government of Oman is now requiring all Sri Lankan nationals who are seeking employment in Oman to submit to biometric fingerprinting and scanning before going to the country, reports The Nation.

The Sri Lanka Foreign Employment Bureau (SLFEB) is working with Oman to implement biometrics software for fingerprint data storage of Sri Lankan migrant workers.

Read more: Oman to require biometric scanning for Sri Lankan migrant workers

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