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Sunday, 6.10.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser Al Bakri, Minister of Manpower said that this year will witness an increase in implementation of e-government in all transactions of the Ministry, thus eliminating the need for paper transactions. During a meeting with officials of the ministry, Sheikh Al Bakri said that the ministry had a number of achievements in different sectors last year which include the labour, technical and vocational sectors.

He highlighted the efforts made by the ministry with relation to implementing the Royal Orders related to the employment of jobseekers at the private sector. The minister also underlined the importance of applying the Labour Laws by the private sector's institutions and said that it is necessary for the private sector to be aware of the Labour Laws and the ministerial decisions.

He also stressed on the importance of inspections, and praised the efforts made to catch absconding labourers. He also highlighted the need to study the reasons behind such phenomenon and pointed out that the number of absconding housemaids is increasing, therefore requiring to continue the implementation of the provisions of the Labour Law.


Quelle/Source: Times of Oman, 13.01.2013

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