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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Lab testing whether social media data can be used to gauge the public mood on tax, flooding.

Malaysia today officially launched a government lab to analyse data from across agencies and to test new ways of using the data to improve public services.

The Digital Government Lab will “facilitate various ministries and agencies to have a greater level of analytics of the collected data, in strict adherence to the government’s data security, integrity and sovereignty guidelines”, said Datuk Abdul Wahab Abdullah, Chief Executive of MIMOS, the country’s national ICT research agency.

Read more: Malaysia opens digital government lab for big data analytics

Centre to develop and test ideas for government, commercial use.

Malaysia has signed a new deal with a private sector analytics firm to help achieve its goal of becoming a regional Big Data hub.

The Malaysian Development Corporation (MDeC) and SAS have signed an agreement to set up a Centre of Excellence that will build and test Big Data proofs of concepts for government and commercial use.

Read more: MY: MDeC signs private sector deal on Big Data centre

Penang state in Malaysia increases public Wi-Fi bandwidth by five times.

Residents of Georgetown city in Malaysia can now access free public Wi-Fi at twice the speeds.

Penang state announced that the public Wi-Fi bandwidth has been increased from 75Mbps to 375 Mbps. This allows each user to enjoy speeds upto 1Mbps, up from 512Kbps in the past, in Georgetown city and across the state.

Read more: MY: Georgetown gets faster public Wi-Fi service

Already surpassed e-government target for this year.

Sabah state in Malaysia has the most number of online public services in the country, Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Seri Yahya Hussin has claimed.

91.39 per cent of the state’s services are now online, surpassing the 90 per cent target set for the country this year.

Read more: MY: Sabah leads in online public services

Government should be where the citizens are, says Datuk Ibrahim Abdul Rahman.

Malaysia has urged its civil servants to use social media to help people understand government policies, especially new ones.

“It is important to use all available communication, especially Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, to create better understanding of the government transformation agenda, especially the implementation of the Goods and Services Tax in April,” said Datuk Ibrahim Abdul Rahman, Director General, Department of Information.

Read more: MY: Use social media to explain new government policies, says Information Department DG

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