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Centre to develop and test ideas for government, commercial use.

Malaysia has signed a new deal with a private sector analytics firm to help achieve its goal of becoming a regional Big Data hub.

The Malaysian Development Corporation (MDeC) and SAS have signed an agreement to set up a Centre of Excellence that will build and test Big Data proofs of concepts for government and commercial use.

The centre “will mobilise the country’s top BDA [Big Data analytics] experts to develop national high-impact use cases and proofs of concepts to drive BDA adoption and innovation”, said Ng Wan Peng, Chief Operating Officer at MDeC.

Malaysia has already announced a round of initiatives around its plan to become a Big Data hub. It will set up a Digital Government Lab, a national Big Data innovation network in partnership with private sector, and two other Centres of Excellence in partnership with industry players.

MDeC will manage the work of the government lab and the private sector centres through its innovation network, matching staff with the centres, MDeC’s Karl Ng, who is leading the national Big Data initiative, told FutureGov earlier.

Malaysia plans to be a leader in the field by 2020, but first needs the “private and public sectors to realise that there’s value and they need to fund this project”, he said.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Medha Basu

Quelle/Source: futureGov, 17.04.2015

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