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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The on-and-off movement control measures and travel restrictions have made people, organisations and government transform the way they interact with one another.

Many people have been forced to postpone social gatherings and meetings or resort to online learning. The recent e-Conomy SEA 2020 report by Google, Temasek and Bain and Company showed that one in three Malaysians started using digital services due to Covid-19.

Read more: MY: Civic tech to boost citizen engagement

Sarawak is making strides in transforming its public transport system, with plans in place not only to enhance public trasport options but also making current ones more sustainable.

As population increases, so too does the number of cars on the road, leading to traffic congestions in Kuching and other major towns in the state.

Read more: MY: Sarawak: Towards sustainable mobiity

The Covid-19 pandemic has exerted a heavy toll on the economy. Very few sectors have emerged unscathed. The tourism sector, which brought in much revenue to the country, suffers the most.

Air travel has almost grounded to a halt. Hotels are reeling from the drop in occupancy. We need new avenues to drive the economy.

The health sector holds promise. Even with vaccines available, negotiating the complexities of public health will no longer be the same.

Read more: MY: Our smart cities have a long way to go to catch up

My E.G. Services (MYEG) is Malaysia’s leading provider of digital e-government and commercial services, acting as a bridge between government and citizens. The company brings governments into the 21st century offering digital-first solutions to otherwise mundane, out-of-date services. From drivers’ license renewal to worker’s permits and retail tax collection, MYEG allows governments to perform all these tasks in a digital-first environment. This saves government time, money, and reduces complexity when interacting with citizens.

Read more: My E.G. Services (MYEG): A Digital Government Solutions Provider

Smart buildings are no longer a futuristic dream. With the emergence of 5G and the array of technological solutions in the market, the reality of a smart city is closer than it seems. But baby steps are needed to reach that potential and a good place to start is by normalising smart buildings.

A smart building is one in which systems are connected to automate and improve the productivity and efficiency of the building. It is something that is already happening today but on a limited scale.

Read more: MY: 5G to facilitate boom in smart buildings

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