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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
On 26 September 2011 the Information Society Development Committee under the Ministry of Transport and Communications decided to provide funding for a total amount of LTL 34 million (approx. €9.8 million) to six ICT security projects to be implemented by major public authorities.

The public authorities to implement the 6 projects which received funding are, respectively:

  • the Ministry of Justice;
  • the State Tax Inspectorate (Ministry of Finance);
  • the State Security Department (SSD);
  • the Residents' Register Service (Ministry of the Interior);
  • the Board of the State Social Security Fund;
  • the Ministry of Social Security and Labour.  

Read more: LT: Six EU co-funded ICT security projects to enhance data security in national information systems

On 2 August 2011, the Lithuanian online registration and establishment services were expanded to apply to joint-stock companies (Uždarąją Akcinę Bendrovę - UAB, in Lithuanian) with more than one founder, from anywhere in the world. Previously only joint-stock companies with a single founder could be registered electronically.

The new service has been produced as part of the project Legal Entities Registration eService (Juridinių asmenų registravimo elektroninė paslauga - JAREP, in Lithuanian), run by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers (Valstybės įmonės Registrų Centras, in Lithuanian) through its Register of Legal Entities (Juridinių asmenų registras, in Lithuanian).

Read more: LT: Online registration for businesses expanded

On 7 September 2011, Lithuanian Prime Minister and Ministers put their first electronic signature on the legal acts passed by the Government, thus making another important step in eSolutions' development in Lithuania and joining the leading European States.

"I am delighted that Lithuania continues to strengthen its positions as a modern and dynamic state. With the introduction of the electronic signature system and electronic documents, the Government has become an excellent example to the other public and private sector organisations", said Prime Minister Andrius Kubilius during the signing ceremony.

Read more: LT: Government launches electronic signature

According to a poll conducted in July 2011, 23 % of Lithuanian citizens currently use electronic public and administrative services. In the light of these results, a campaign was launched to actively promote the use of eServices.

The usage of eServices in Lithuania is below the EU average, which in 2010 stood at 41 % of citizens, and which is expected to reach 50 % by 2015. Ieva Žilionienė, Deputy Director of the Information Society Development Committee (ISDC; Informacinės visuomenės plėtros komiteto - IVPK, in Lithuanian), said that the aim is to catch up with the EU average, and that to this end the development and improvement of eServices has been allocated a lot of money from EU structural funds and the state budget.

Read more: LT: Campaign launched to promote public eService usage beyond its current 23 %

On 7 June 2011, the Lithuanian Parliament voted in the Amendment to the Act on the Lithuanian Health System which legally establishes a national eHealth system, and this means that in the future patient data will be managed electronically.

This Act defines the eHealth system concept which encompasses health promotion activities and the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) as a whole. It supplements the Act on the Lithuanian Health System with a Chapter III entitled 'Lithuanian eHealth system', which is related to the management of eHealth systems. The Act provides that the Lithuanian eHealth care system implementation is coordinated and supervised by the Ministry of Health, and is enshrined in the public eHealth services and an information system that will serve as a collaboration infrastructure.

Read more: Act passed to legally establish the Lithuanian eHealth system

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