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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
On 2 August 2011, the Lithuanian online registration and establishment services were expanded to apply to joint-stock companies (Uždarąją Akcinę Bendrovę - UAB, in Lithuanian) with more than one founder, from anywhere in the world. Previously only joint-stock companies with a single founder could be registered electronically.

The new service has been produced as part of the project Legal Entities Registration eService (Juridinių asmenų registravimo elektroninė paslauga - JAREP, in Lithuanian), run by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers (Valstybės įmonės Registrų Centras, in Lithuanian) through its Register of Legal Entities (Juridinių asmenų registras, in Lithuanian).

It is expected that the new service will be as popular as the service launched through this project in 2010, which enabled the electronic registration and establishment of joint-stock companies with only a single founder, using a simple online form. This service, which requires no paper documents, relies heavily on an electronic signature based on Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), the technology, people and procedures needed to manage digital certificates.

Data from the State Enterprise Centre of Registers show that of the 4 469 joint-stock companies set up in 2011, about 1 000 were registered and established online. That is, more than 20 % of these new companies were established using the eServices of the Legal Entities Registration eService project.

The online registration and establishment of joint-stock companies on the Internet is only one stage of the project. In the near future, the online registration and establishment will be extended to include non-government organisations.

The Legal Entities Registration eService project has a total funding of 6.64 million LTL (€1.92 million, approximately), of which 5.65 million LTL (€1.66 million, approximately) is provided by the EU's European Regional Development Fund. It is funded through the Economic Development Action Programme, Priority 3, 'Information Society for All', and is administered by the Information Society Development Committee (ISDC) under the Ministry of Transport. The project ends on 1 November 2011.

Background Information:

The Register of Legal Entities registers businesses, institutions and NGOs, and collects detailed data about Lithuanian legal entities as well as branches and representative offices of foreign companies and organisations. The Register contains complete information (and historical data) about the legal form and status of legal entities, fields of their activity, size and structure of the authorised capital, members of sole and collective management bodies, licenses acquired, and so on.

Further information:


Quelle/Source: epractice, 28.09.2011

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