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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
On 7 June 2011, the Lithuanian Parliament voted in the Amendment to the Act on the Lithuanian Health System which legally establishes a national eHealth system, and this means that in the future patient data will be managed electronically.

This Act defines the eHealth system concept which encompasses health promotion activities and the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) as a whole. It supplements the Act on the Lithuanian Health System with a Chapter III entitled 'Lithuanian eHealth system', which is related to the management of eHealth systems. The Act provides that the Lithuanian eHealth care system implementation is coordinated and supervised by the Ministry of Health, and is enshrined in the public eHealth services and an information system that will serve as a collaboration infrastructure.

Up until now in Lithuania, legislation has not governed the eHealth system and the electronic processing of health data. With the regulation of the eHealth system established by the Amendment Act, patient health data will in the future be managed electronically.

The Amendment Act was approved by 62 votes to 5, with 21 abstentions. It will become effective from August 2011, when the Lithuanian Government has had time to approve and implement the necessary legislation.

Funding for eHealth projects comes under the Operational Programme 'Economic Growth' priority Information Society for All, the implementation of which is managed by the Information Society Development Committee at the Ministry of Transport and Communications. The measures will be allocated about LTL 100 million (€29 million approximately), co-financed by European Union Structural Funds and the Lithuanian budget.

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Quelle/Source: epractice, 19.07.2011

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