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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Mayors of Klaipeda, Jonava meet with Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai

The mayors of two Lithuanian cities on Friday (March 31) met with Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai (陳其邁) to discuss smart city development.

Vytautas Grubliauskas, the mayor of Klaipeda, the largest port city in Lithuania, and Mindaugas Sinkevicius, the mayor of Jonava, traveled to Kaohsiung for the first time to attend the Smart City Summit and Expo, Liberty Times reported. In addition to smart city development, the two mayors talked about economy and trade, culture, and art during their meeting with Chen.

Read more: TW: Lithuanian mayors talk smart city development with South Taiwan mayor

The new electronic ticketing system will allow passengers to use the most convenient ticket media of their choice, without committing to a specific card or device.

The Lithuanian capital of Vilnius’ public transport authority SI Susisiekimo paslaugos has announced it is upgrading its ticketing system.

Global mobility technology provider Ridango will deliver an account-based ticketing solution similar to the “best-in-class” systems deployed, for example, in Klaipeda, Kyiv and Tallinn.

Read more: LT: Vilnius to upgrade public transport ticketing system

E-health is the remedy to heal shrinking healthcare budgets worldwide, two Lithuanian experts told the Information Daily.

Justina Januševičienė, Director of the General Affairs Department at the Ministry of Health in Lithuania, said there is “no secret” that healthcare faces shrinking budgets both worldwide and within the European Union.

However, she believes that health professionals, experts and clinicians are tackling those challenges “all together”.

Read more: LT: E-health is the remedy to heal shrinking global healthcare budgets

Everybody knows that the ICT is an important part of the economy. This sector generates 5 percent of European GDP with a market value amounting to 660 billion euros annually, and it also contributes far more to overall productivity growth.

Fully exploiting the potential of ICT, we can fundamentally modernize the functioning of public administration and develop more efficient public services. That is why Lithuania pays considerable attention to the ICT. Public procurement is one of the areas where we have achieved really good results in applying ICT. Currently, Lithuania is among the leading EU member states in this field. Talking about the EU public procurement volume, each year public authorities spend nearly 19 percent of the EU’s GDP on goods, services and works. Total public expenditure on public procurement creates a large share of economic activity – amounting to over 2 trillion euros per year. This money is spent by more than 250,000 contracting authorities in Europe.

Read more: Modernizing functioning of public governing in Lithuania

In order to simplify the consumer protection procedures, the State Consumer Rights Protection Authority (Valstybinė vartotojų teisių apsaugos tarnyba – VVTAT, in Lithuanian) launched a project whose aim is to build an online consumer rights protection system. The project, supported by the European Union's Structural Funds, will enable users to lodge online complaints about rights violation as consumers.

The project envisages the creation of interactive consumer electronic secure services making them more friendly and accessible to users. This will ensure consumers’ effective protection of their rights, by enforcing eCommerce rules in order to prevent consumer rights violation.

Read more: LT: New project enables consumers to file complaints online

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