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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
E-health is the remedy to heal shrinking healthcare budgets worldwide, two Lithuanian experts told the Information Daily.

Justina Januševičienė, Director of the General Affairs Department at the Ministry of Health in Lithuania, said there is “no secret” that healthcare faces shrinking budgets both worldwide and within the European Union.

However, she believes that health professionals, experts and clinicians are tackling those challenges “all together”.

Normantas Dučinskas, Head of e-Health Coordination Division at the Ministry of Health, said over the past decade electronic health systems have become an integral part of the provision of care.

Over the next ten years, he hopes that there will be a central healthcare system which will provide information for public health, research, international cooperation and the sharing of best practice.

“I think that medicine with the help of e-health will be more patient-centred”, added Januševičienė.

Patients will be able to participate in the process of their healing more and more, she explained, which is one of the highest aims and purposes of e-health.

She added: “I also believe that we will try to be in line with British ambition to become paperless”.

Januševičienė believes that despite Lithuania being very small, it has the potential to utilise ICT effectively in healthcare.

“We can and we are ready to integrate with the common platform of a data exchange throughout Europe, when it is ready”, she said.


Quelle/Source: The Information Daily, 17.12.2013

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