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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
During the international eHealth Conference 'E-Health Tallinn 2010', held on 13-15 October 2010, Asta Meškerevičiūtė, the Director of the General Affairs Department at the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania met with representatives from Estonia, among other countries, and praised the Estonian experience of implementing an eHealth strategy.

"The strategy of Estonia is fully in line with our vision, so it is very important for us to take their experience and use it. Estonia's success is based on a strong competence centre, strict legal regulations and progressive eHealth service development," said Asta Meškerevičiūtė, Director of the General Affairs Department at the Lithuanian Ministry of Health.

Read more: Lithuania will use Estonia’s experience in order to develop eHealth system

The Lithuanian Ministry of Transports and Communications, the competent Minister for Information Society development, put forward a set of ideas to make three quarters of the country's population able to use the Internet.

In 2009 the Internet users in Lithuania represented slightly more than half of the population. According to the Ministry's proposal, Lithuania should reach the European Union Member States' average of 75 % of Internet users. Another objective is to have 79 % of the Lithuanians trained to work on a computer, against 57 % in 2009.

Read more: Lithuania: Information Society Ministry's proposals to rapidly increase number of Internet users

The new version of the Lithuanian eGovernment portal 'eGovernment Gate' - reachable via and - has already registered over 8 000 users.

Currently, the portal offers 18 public eServices. The change of place of residence (in Lithuania and for those moving abroad) declaration service made available on the portal in March 2009 has already been used by 200 Lithuanians. Moreover, since the beginning of the fourth week of July 2009, this service has covered the entire country.

Read more: New version of Lithuanian ‘eGovernment Gate’ popular with citizens

On the occasion of the Workshop on Electronic Documents in the Public Sector held on 18 June 2010 at the Lithuanian Archives Department, the current and future trends of electronic document management were discussed and the new national identity cards presented.

The event was an occasion for representatives of the Ministry of the Interior to present the new identity cards which allow their holders to authenticate in cyberspace and to sign documents by electronic means. The workshop participants were told where and how to obtain the cards.

Read more: Lithuania: eID cards presented at eDocument management workshop

According to a study on internet users and e-Government indicators, 40.6% respondents in Lithuania use a computer every day, 37.6% of those polled do not have a computer at home.

The study conducted by the market research company TNS Gallup revealed that personal computers remained the most popular ones (50.6% of respondents in 2009, compared to 45.5% in winter), a lower number of those polled said owning laptops (17.2% compared to 17.9% in winter), writes ELTA/LETA.

Read more: 40.6% of Lithuanians use computer everyday

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