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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Frontier Technologies Corporation (E-Lock) today announced that its flagship product E-Lock ProSigner would be used by Lithuania's Public Sector for electronically signing documents.

Lithuania's Information Society Development Committee (IVPK) was responsible for the project. E-Lock's partner in Lithuania - Santa Monica Networks - was instrumental and played a key role in liaising with IVPK, participating in a public tender and eventually delivering the E-Lock solution to public sector institutions via IVPK.

Read more: Lithuania's Public Sector chooses E-Lock ProSigner for e-document exchange

A delegation from Lithuania asked South Korea's government to assist the European country's 'e-government drive', according to Korea's Ministry of Information and Communication.

The delegation, consisting of top officials of the Lithuanian government, arrived last week and is scheduled to visit several state agencies to examine South Korea's prowess in IT. In 2002, South Korea ranked 15th worldwide in terms of the e-government index taken by the United Nations.

Read more: Lithuania asks South Korea for e-govt help

Auch in der Baltenrepublik Litauen hat der Kampf gegen den Digital Divide begonnen: Die Regierung plant, mehrere Hundert öffentliche Internet-Zugänge einzurichten.

Read more: Internet für alle

Mehr als 1.000 öffentliche Terminals sollen Bürgern kostenlos Netz-Zugang bieten | Neunstündige Kurse lehren Umgang mit Internet

Read more: Litauen weitet Internet-Initiative aus

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