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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Autonomous Community (region) of Madrid has now joined the 'Electronic Health Records of the National Health System' (Historia Clínica Digital del Sistema Nacional de Salud - HCDSNS, in Spanish), a project of the Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Policy and Equality.

HCDSNS is aimed at ensuring that citizens and health professionals can access important patient health data from anywhere in Spain with the assurance that these data are accessible to authorised persons only. This means that when citizens are travelling outside their home regions and need healthcare, the physicians who will deal with their case will be able to view their most important health data.

Read more: ES: Madrid region to share patients' medical history with other Autonomous Communities

Since 16 March 2011, the Public Procurement Services Platform(PSCP) of the Government of the Autonomous Region of Catalonia has been using the iArxiu Plaftorm, a digital preservation and electronic archiving service developed by the Catalan Certification Agency (CATCert) and aimed at all regional and local public authorities.

PSCP makes use of this service in order to transfer into the electronic archive of iArxiu the various contracting documents that must be published in the frame of the public procurement process (documentation relating to the calls for tender, the awarding of contracts, formal approvals), together with the pertinent logs and the electronic signatures.

Read more: ES: Catalonia - eProcurement platform uses certification agency's eArchiving services

The Asturian Technology Services Consortium (CAST), which is made up of the Government of the Principality of Asturias and the town councils with less than 20 000 inhabitants, has launched a programme to set up a collaboration platform for business portals in 60 local municipalities.

This large-scale project aims to confront the commonplace issue of each city council administering its own infrastructure in an independent manner, leading to increased costs and incompatible operating systems. On account of a free and open source enterprise portal, the Asturian municipalities with less than 20 000 inhabitants will collaborate in order to implement their web portals under a common platform based on open source.

Read more: ES: Asturias region adopts open source technology for local government

On 31 May 2011, the Spanish Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Administration unveiled to the Andalusian public the second phase of a promotion and awareness-raising campaign entitled '@dministración. Todos los servicios en tu mano' ('@dministration. All services in reach', in English).

This phase, launched nation-wide in March 2011 is planned to run until November of the same year. It is aimed at giving a further boost to the use of public eServices among citizens and businesses. The public presentation in the Autonomous Community (Region) of Andalusia was given in the city of Almería by Ms. Consuelo Rumí, the State Secretary for the Public Service.

Read more: ES: eGovernment services - Second phase of information and awareness-raising campaign

'Internet & salud: Migrando hacia la red 2.0' (Internet & Health: Moving to Web 2.0, in English) is the name of the project which will analyse the development of web 2.0 in the field of health through an observatory and a website The aim of this project is to promote discussion between professionals and users on health issues.

In 2008 the portal was created as "a space that integrates all the projects of the Internet & Health Group, to give them greater visibility and reach, and to facilitate the immediate transfer of results to society," said team member Jaime Jiménez Pernett.

Read more: ES: Andalusia - Virtual health space created

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