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CIO Chief Information Officer

  • How can government CIOs nurture digital transformation?

    For many organizations, including government, digital business is moving from an innovative trend to a core competency. According to Gartner’s 2016 CIO Agenda Survey, which included responses from 2,944 CIOs worldwide, leveraging digital technologies to transform traditional operational and service models has risen to the top of the business agenda for many elected leaders and public officials.

    However, the attention of CIOs in government remains more on the tactical, such as reducing costs and improving digital channels to citizens. In this sense, digital government is currently being deployed as an extension of earlier e-government initiatives, which largely preserved existing operational or service models. Simply put, digital transformation is still at the embryonic stage of maturity in government.

  • 4 steps to success for a new CIO

    New CIOs have about 90 to 120 days to make their mark on an organization. The transition also creates a tremendous opportunity for CIOs. Anticipation of what digital can deliver is great.

    But it is not an easy task. The lines of demarcation in companies are blurring.   New CIOs must read between the lines -- between industries, customers and product developers -- as they move swiftly to learn the business, find their niche and make an impact on the enterprise. Speed -- or multiple speeds in the world of IT, given legacy systems and the arrival of digital -- is the focus as digital drives the rate of innovation and business leaders' expectations.

  • 7 habits of highly effective CIOs

    Experts say focus, find strengths, build bridges, talk plainly and listen

    In his best-selling book, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People," Stephen Covey outlines seven practices on the path to personal and professional achievement. Covey provides the framework of consistent patterns to tackle change with advice ranging from being proactive to sharpening the saw.

  • 7 skills of successful digital leaders

    Effective digital transformation requires strong leadership. Here’s how to helm your company’s digital journey through considerable organizational change.

    Successful digital transformations don’t happen without organization-wide effort, mindset and processes changes, and the right technologies. They also don’t happen without guidance from skilled CIOs and digital leaders.

  • AU: Security, BI and skills top IT priorities for CIOs

    Emerging technologies like mobility and cloud computing, along with concerns about traditional issues of security, Business Intelligence, including Big Data, and skills development, are exercising the minds of Australia’s CIOs and IT decision-makers as the top priorities to tackle in their businesses.

    The top IT business priority is security but the emerging trend of mobility now outranks ICT spending reduction, and is viewed by CIOs as a critical priority.

    In new findings from research of the Australian ICT market, research firm Telsyte, CIOs and IT decision makers are placing emerging technologies like mobility and cloud computing on their list of top IT business priorities in addition to the traditional “pain points” of security, business intelligence (including big data) and skills development.

  • AU: CIOs and the transition to digital government

    Ongoing economic uncertainty and a slowdown in government technology investment continue to delay or limit the adoption of digital innovation and radically redesigned service models.

    But CIOs at all levels of government can help ease the path.

    Part of the problem is that the structure of government has remained largely unchanged for more than half a century, while the needs and expectations of citizens and businesses have outpaced the ability to adequately address them.

  • AU: Qld poaches SA whole of govt CIO

    The Queensland Government has poached South Australia’s whole of government chief information officer Andrew Mills to be its own central CIO, six months after it removed two-time incumbent Peter Grant from the position.

    Andrew Garner, Director General of the Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts, which houses the office of Queensland’s whole of government CIO, made the announcement of Mills’ appointment in a media release this morning after it was outed yesterday by the Adelaide Advertiser.

  • AU: Queensland appoints first GCIO

    Queensland, Australia’s third most popular state, has appointed a new standalone Queensland Government Chief Information Officer (QGCIO)—a first for the state—following its July announcement to create this role.

    Simon Finn, Minister for Information and Communication Technology announced on 1 December 2011 that Professor Peter Grant will begin his QGCIO role on the day itself.

    “I’m very pleased that Peter will take on this role, which is the first of its kind in the nation,” Mr Finn said. “Peter brings over 40 years of experience to this position—half of which is in the public sector.”

  • AU: Queensland appoints whole-of-government CIO

    Professor Peter Grant picks up the role and will provide "autonomous, expert advice" to the government

    Just a day on from issuing a statement that it was still looking for a whole-of-government CIO, the Queensland government has announced that it has appointed Professor Peter Grant to the role.

    According to the government, Grant began in the role today and was appointed following an extensive merit selection process following the creation of the role by Premier Anna Bligh in July.

  • AU: Queensland government confirms new GCIO start date

    Queensland’s Director-General Mr Andrew Garner has confirmed the start date for incoming Government Chief Information Officer, Mr Andrew Mills, as 6th January 2014. Mr Mills was formerly GCIO for the Government of South Australia. In the New Year, he will help Queensland move forward on its ICT reforms, one of the most comprehensive to date.

    Queensland’s ICT reforms were highlighted earlier by the Minister for Technology Mr Ian Walker.

  • Australia: Vic Govt recruits CIO and CTO

    Victoria has appointed a chief information officer (CIO) and a chief technology officer (CTO), in what is claimed to be a state government first.

    Australian Defence Force CIO Patrick Hannan has been poached for the role of Victorian CIO. Tony Aitkenhead, former Information Services Branch executive officer at the Victorian Department of Human Services, will take up the CTO position.

  • Australia: Victoria appoints CIO and CTO

    THE Victorian Government has appointed Australia's first state chief information officer and chief technology officer.

    Australian Defence Force CIO Patrick Hannan has been headhunted for the role of Victorian CIO, while former Victorian Department of Human Services Information Services Branch executive officer Tony Aitkenhead has been appointed CTO.

    No other state has either a CTO or a CIO.

  • Australia: Victoria fills CIO, CTO roles

    The Victorian government has appointed the State’s first chief information officer and chief technology officer. These appointments break new ground for Australian states and territories.

    Patrick Hannan will commence as CIO on December 8. He will “assist the Bracks government to deliver on its e-government strategy by providing authoritative advice and strong leadership of information and communication technology matters across government,” said Marsha Thomson, Information and Communication Technology Minister

  • CIO of the Future: The Skills Government Tech Chiefs Need

    As chief information officers at all levels of government take a wider, more enterprise look at their role than in the past, it is becoming increasingly important that they are more than just tech-savvy.

    In 2011, when Mark Raymond was first appointed chief information officer of Connecticut, the No. 1 tech priority in state government was hardware virtualization, according to the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO). Raymond, who was recently re-appointed by incoming Gov. Ned Lamont, found that much of his time was spent doing just that: virtualizing the state’s technology, moving a data center, anything to improve the technical efficiency of the operations, he recalled.

  • CIOs pivotal to Kenyan growth – Kyalo

    The role of chief information officers (CIOs) needs to be recognised as pivotal to the collective economic growth of a country such as Kenya, according to Victor Kyalo, acting chief executive officer (CEO) of the Kenya ICT Authority.

    Kyalo was opening the International Data Corporation’s (IDC) inaugural East Africa CIO Summit in Nairobi, Kenya, focusing on the evolution of the role of CIOs in the changing technology environment.

  • Deutschland: Bundesregierung will einen CIO

    Möglicherweise schon für das Jahresende ist ein Amt geplant, das die IT-Aktivitäten des Bundes bündeln soll.

    In der Diskussion ist der "Bundes-CIO" bereits seit zwei Jahren. Jetzt werden die Pläne konkret. Wie die "Financial Times" heute meldet, haben sich Finanzminister Peer Steinbrück, Innenminister Wolfgang Schäuble und Kanzleramtsminister Thomas de Maizière grundsätzlich darauf geeinigt, einen Chief Information Officer für die Bundesregierung berufen zu wollen. Seine oder ihre Aufgaben werden darin bestehen, die IT- und E-Government-Aktivitäten der Bundesregierung zu koordinieren. Einzelheiten werden Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel und Wirtschaftsminister Michael Glos voraussichtlich im Dezember auf dem "IT-Gipfel" in Hannover verraten.

  • Deutschland: Regierung setzt nationalen IT-Chef ein

    Die Bundesregierung will erstmals einen Chief Information Officer (CIO) berufen. Dazu soll ein neues Amt entstehen, das die Aktivitäten des Bundes in der Informationstechnologie und elektronischen Verwaltung (E-Government) koordiniert. Darauf haben sich nach Informationen der "Financial Times Deutschland" (FTD/Donnerstagausgabe) aus Regierungskreisen Finanzminister Peer Steinbrück (SPD), Innenminister Wolfgang Schäuble und Kanzleramtsminister Thomas de Maizière (beide CDU) grundsätzlich geeinigt.

  • Does India need a Federal Chief Information Officer?

    The U.S. intelligence agencies had all the authentic information about 9/11 terror attacks, but failing to get systems to talk to each other that time resulted in a catastrophe. Waking up to the challenge after this attack, the Bush government decided to appoint a Chief Information Officer (CIO), who could integrate these IT departments and also help the government deliver its strategy for the transformation of public services, enabled by technology. Following the U.S. several other countries like UK, Australia and Canada too realized the importance of CIO post, and included this portfolio in their cabinet. But India which dreams of becoming one of the economic powers along with China by 2020, has failed to understand the importance of a CIO till now.

  • European governments must appoint CIOs

    Public sector needs government-appointed boss to oversee IT implementation and evaluation, says analyst

    The government should appoint a public sector chief information officer (CIO) to oversee technology implementation and evaluation, according to Gartner.

  • Four Tech Trends That Will Impact State and Local Government CIOs

    Like the spring that is finally upon us, a handful of technology trends are beginning to emerge at the state and local levels for 2014. Government agency leaders, like most other executives facing today’s budget realities, are focused on improving government performance through technology and efficiency. As the economy climbs out of the recession, budgets are still tight, and state and local CIOs have to find ways to do more with less. The question is whether or not they follow closely behind their brethren in the commercial arena with certain technologies and solutions, and the preliminary answer appears to be “yes.” Here are the four trends that I see as first and foremost among government agencies.

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