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Montag, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001


  • Ghana Police, DVLA, 18 Other Government Agencies Integrated

    Ghana government has integrated 20 agencies including Ghana Post, Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG), Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL), Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA), Ghana Immigration Service (GIS), Ghana Police Service (GPS) into a one-stop administration service centre.

    The ultra modern state of the art service centre was handed over by the Huawei Technologies Limited to the Ministry of Communications to facilitate the delivery of Government services to citizens under the e-Government programme.

  • Kenya's National Single Window System to Launch

    The new Trade Facilitation system set to enhance efficiency of cross-border trade at Kenyan seaport, airports and border posts

    CrimsonLogic, a leading provider of eGovernment solutions and services headquartered in Singapore -- under a government contract between Kenya and Singapore, successfully rolled out the Kenya Electronic Single Window System, officially known as Kenya TradeNet. The system is CrimsonLogic's 18th live Trade Facilitation implementation so far, and its first major project in Kenya.

  • Single portal of e-government in Azerbaijan to start operating by end of 2012

    The Ministry of Communications & IT of Azerbaijan integrates e-services of diverse ministries and departments into single portal system E-government.

    The chief consultant of the MCIT Information Society Development Department, Etibar Umudov, says that certain technical work and installation of the server and other equipment are under way with the purpose of the mutual integration of different platforms of the governmental agencies.

  • ZM: ZDA one-stop-shop system to be launched Tweet Email RSSS

    ZAMBIA Development Agency (ZDA) says the one-stop-shop integrated system (OSSIS) facility expected to be launched in the fourth quarter of this year on a trial basis, will help speed up the registration process for businesses.

    According to a statement posted on the ZDA website, the OSSIS is an information and communication technology (ICT) programme that will enable stakeholder agencies share client registration information.

    To this effect, ZDA has embarked on an ICT infrastructure integration programme to help reduce business registration and other processes to about two hours at the one-stop-shop.

  • ‘Single Window Will Make Nigeria Relevant, Competitive In Int’l Trade’

    Valentina Mintah is the Programme Manager for the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) single window feasibility study. The expert, who is currently working towards a PhD in evaluating the impacts of ICT related interventions in trade facilitation, holds a Master’s degree in systems analysis and design. She has worked with various IT organisations and development agencies on a number of public sector reform programmes involving Customs and tax implementation systems. In this interview with Juliet Alohan, she speaks on the huge impact the single window environment will have on the Nigerian economy, and advises on the contingency plans which must be put in place to ensure sustainability of the system.

  • 20 agencies integrated into Ghana’s e-government project

    Twenty agencies have been integrated into Ghana’s central e-government service centre, including Ghana Post, Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG), Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL), Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA), Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) and Ghana Police Service (GPS).

    The e-governance project is being carried by Huawei, with the first phase the project – the service centre – handed to the Ministry of Communications. The centre will deliver government’s services to citizens under the e-government programme.

  • AE: Adoption of 'Single Window' concept will add to ease of doing business

    International trade volumes and profitability would receive a welcome impetus if the e-customs 'Single Window' concept was popularised around the world, as this would help address three main concerns related to cross-border trade namely, reducing costs and cross-border transit time, checking illegal trafficking of goods, and enhancing border security.

    This key message emerged as experts and leading customs officials reflected upon the development of the customs sectors within their own countries and regions in a session titled 'E-Government: An Added Value to Trade,' at the Middle East debut of the 2013 WCO IT Conference and Exhibition held under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai. The discussion was moderated by David Evans, Head of Tax and Customs Business Unit, Worldwide, BULL Information Systems.

  • Azerbaijan introduces electronic registration of real property since 1 May

    Within application of e-services State Committee for Property Affairs intends to start accepting electronic appeals of the population for real property facilities’ registration since 1 May.

    Today at the presentation of information system of real estate facilities’ electronic registration , Deputy Chairman of the State Committee Rafig Jalilov reported that the Committee started provision of e-services at the site of State Real Property Registry Service from 1 March (emdkdedrx.gov.az).

  • Berlin’s Point of Single Contact: an online one-stop shop for entrepreneurs

    Berlin's Point of Single Contact (PSC) is a regional-level portal that provides a step-by-step guide to European entrepreneurs who seek for information, advice and support on the federal state's administrative procedures that are required for doing business in Berlin.

    Complying with the EU's 'Services Directive' (Directive 2006/123/EC of 12 December 2006 on services in the internal market), all 16 German regions (referred to as the 'federal states' of Germany) have established their own PSC in a pan-European effort to guide entrepreneurs through the paper work and thus, facilitate cross-border trade and boost the economy of the country.

  • Brunei: Anytime, Anywhere For Alien Investors

    Foreign investors will now have the convenience of applying for business licences through the eMIPR, the online business facilitation service of the Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources.

    "This `Single Window' or online business facilitation web service provides easy access to services of the ministry and the departments under it, and it is hoped this will attract foreign investors to set up businesses in the sultanate," MIPR's Chief Information Officer Hj Zaini Madaros said at the soft launch of eMIPR website www.bruneimipr.gov.bn.

  • China/Hong Kong: Gov't to launch one-stop portal in mid-2006

    The Government will launch a new one-stop portal in mid-2006 under a new strategy for delivering online government information and services which the Digital 21 Strategy Advisory Committee has endorsed.

    The portal will group related government information and services into different service clusters based around the needs and expectations of citizens and businesses. Customer research will be conducted at stages to provide input to the design and information/services grouping.

  • CZ: Business consulting service systems integrated

    The Czech Republic's three entrepreneur advisory systems have been integrated into a single entity, making it the first such unified consultancy system in the EU, it was announced on 12 January 2011.

    The three component systems are Points of Single Contact (PSC), Product Contact Points (ProCoP), and Solvit. In 2010, over 3 000 inquires were dealt by these three systems seperatly. The Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade has combined these into a single advisory system for entrepreneurs' business activities at home and abroad.

  • Deutschland: Einheitlicher Ansprechpartner für Dienstleister in der EU

    Gewissermaßen in letzter Minute ist in Deutschland eine allgemein noch wenig beachtete Bestimmung der Richtlinie 2006/123/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 12. Dezember 2006 über Dienstleistungen im Binnenmarkt ("Dienstleistungsrichtlinie") umgesetzt worden: Danach steht Dienstleistern ab heute überall ein "Einheitlicher Ansprechpartner" (EA) zur Verfügung, der als zentraler Kontakt zu den verschiedensten Behörden und anderen relevanten Stellen, etwa Handwerks- und Handelskammern, dient. Das betrifft nicht zuletzt auch Selbstständige in IT-Branchen, etwa Programmierer, Computershop-Betreiber oder Web-Gestalter, die sich irgendwo ansiedeln wollen. Ob es darum geht, eine geeignete Immobile zu mieten oder zu kaufen, geltende Bestimmungen über das Anbieten der beabsichtigten Dienstleistungen in Erfahrung zu bringen oder melderechtlichen Erfordernissen nachzukommen: Es soll nicht mehr nötig sein, einen Hindernislauf durch verschiedene Ämter, Außenstellen, Rathäuser und Kammern anzutreten. Für Interessenten, die die deutsche Sprache nicht beherrschen, steht zur Orientierung ein englischsprachiges Eingangsportal zur Verfügung. Aufgrund der föderalen Zuständigkeitsverteilung ist die Einrichtung der EAs in Deutschland Ländersache. Die Ansprechpartner, die in Deutschland bei Behörden und anderen relevanten Stellen, etwa Handwerks- und Handelskammern, in den Kreisen und kreisfreien Städten angesiedelt sind, sollen online und auch persönlich erreichbar sein.

  • DK: Agency for Governmental IT-services introduces a service portal for users

    During November and December 2010, the Agency for Governmental IT-services (Statens It, in Danish) introduced a new web portal, Service Portal (Serviceportalen, in Danish), where its users will find information about the current IT operational situation, planned service windows, news about the Agency, and consult several help guides.

    Service Portal will also a web-based application for the 10 000 users who use the Agency's service desk, where users are able to log online IT problems and thereby gain access to support. The content of Service Portal can be targeted to individual customers or specific user groups.

  • EU-Dienstleistungsrichtlinie: Berlin mit zentraler Online-Anlaufstelle

    Das Land Berlin hat gemäß der Vorgaben der EU-Dienstleistungsrichtlinie eine einheitliche Anlaufstelle für Dienstleister und Existenzgründer im Netz eingerichtet.

    Unter der Internet-Adresse www.ea.berlin.de bietet Berlin Dienstleistern und Existenzgründern aus EU-Ländern ab sofort einen einheitlichen Online-Service an. Dort können Bürger ihr Gewerbe bei einer einzigen Anlaufstelle online beantragen und dadurch Zeit und Kosten sparen. Das teilten die an der Umsetzung beteiligten Firmen mit.

  • GB: Government tests single e-gov web portal

    The government has unveiled a prototype of a unified e-government website, while also announcing the recruitment of 100,000 'digital champions' who have volunteered to help get the UK populace online.

    On Wednesday, Cabinet Office minister Francis Maude said the prototype website, alpha.gov.uk, followed the standard practice of large organisations that want to test out new web services, but it was nonetheless a first for the UK government. The website aims to provide a single repository for all central government department information — a markedly different approach to the numerous .gov.uk websites that are currently in operation.

  • GB: Suppliers will have single point of contact across all of Government, says auditor

    Major suppliers to the Government will in future deal with a single civil servant in relation to contracts across all Government departments, the National Audit Office (NAO) has said.

    The creation of single negotiators for big suppliers is part of Cabinet Office attempts to reduce the costs to Government of existing and future contracts.

    "A new approach to managing supplier relationships in the longer-term is planned, with continued emphasis on government as an intelligent and ‘single’ customer," said a report into Government's use of information and communication technologies (ICT) (48-page / 459KB PDF).

  • GH: Communication Minister Commissions Service Centre

    Dr Edward Kofi Omane Boamah, Minister for Communication, said Information and Communication Technology (ICT), is an indispensable and veritable tool for enhancing effectiveness and efficiency in all aspects of life.

    He reiterated Government's commitment to continue to promote the deployment and mainstreaming of ICT in all sectors of the economy.

    Dr Boamah made the remarks at the commissioning of a One-Stop Service Centre to facilitate the delivery of Government services to citizens under the e-Government programme in Accra yesterday.

  • GH: Government launches ICT One-Stop Service Center

    Dr Edward Kofi Omane Boamah, the Minister of Communication, has described Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as an indispensable and veritable tool for enhancing effectiveness and efficiency in all aspects of life.

    He therefore reiterated the government’s commitment to continue to promote the deployment and mainstreaming of ICT in all sectors of the economy.

  • Huawei Ghana hands over service center to Government of Ghana

    Huawei Technologies Ghana has officially handed over a new ultra modern state of the art service center to the Ministry of Communication on Monday in Accra. The One-Stop Service Centre is established to facilitate the delivery of Government services to citizens under the e-Government programme.

    On 9th December 2013, Huawei Technologies Ltd was called in by the Ministry of Communication Ltd to expedite work on this important component of the First Phase of the e-Government Platform Project to enable the immediate online delivery of some government services, taking advantage of the broadband infrastructure being built to reach all parts of the country.

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