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Sunday, 8.09.2024
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CIO Chief Information Officer

  • Gartner’s Dean Lacheca: ‘AI will be a long road for government CIOs’

    Gartner’s Dean Lacheca says government CIOs must anticipate and correctly respond to increasingly disruptive forces like artificial intelligence.

    Dean Lacheca is a research director in Gartner’s CIO research and advisory group.

    Within that group, he is part of a global team focused on supporting public sector CIOs and technology leaders.

  • GB: Irish Government appoints CIO for the country

    Former Northern Ireland chief information officer (CIO) and deputy CIO for the UK cabinet Bill McCluggage has been appointed chief information officer by the Irish Government. McCluggage will take responsibility for the development of the ICT strategy for the Irish Government and the wider public service.

    Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform Brendan Howlin, TD, appointed McCluggage to the role.

  • German government to appoint a national CIO

    The German government plans to appoint a national Chief Information Officer (CIO) for the first time. More details about the appointment will be forthcoming on the second national IT Summit in Hannover in December.

    This latest initiative is a response to the fact that Germany is still lacking behind the international community when it comes to the adoption of information and Communication Technology (ICT) for the purposes of public administration (on federal and state level alike) and the range of available e-government offerings to its citizens. Furthermore, the exchange of information is often hampered by the fact that not all ICT technologies used on federal as well as state levels are intra-compatible. It will be the responsibility of the newly appointed CIO to coordinate the federal IT activities, including e-government offerings.

  • Global centre for CIOs

    The International Academy of Chief Information Officers (IAC) has reached agreement with the International Institute for Software Technology at the United Nations University in Macau to transfer and share knowledge between chief information officers around the world.

    Academy president Toshio Obi said a memorandum of understanding between the two organisations aimed to define a framework for collaboration to support chief information officers (CIOs) and leaders in information and communications technology (ICT), particularly those in developing countries. This, in turn, would increase the success of electronic government or e-government, he said.

  • Hessen: Benchmark für E-Government

    Das Land Hessen hat einen eigenen CIO. Er ist angetreten, die internen Verwaltungsabläufe umzugestalten und durchgängig mit IT zu unterstützen.

    Was für Finanzdienstleister, Industrie und Handel zum guten Ton gehört, ist im öffentlichen Bereich noch die Ausnahme: ein strategischer und nutzenorientierter Einsatz der IT-Ressourcen.

  • Hong Kong: Leading by example

    Hong Kong's government will appoint an IT head as part of its efforts to cement the city's status as a technological hub-but how successful will the initiative be?

    Hong Kong has taken the bold step of creating the post of a CIO for the entire government. But the effectiveness of the role could be compromised by a complex system of checks and balances and limited control over the government's IT budget, say observers.

  • How digital transformation impacted CIO and CTO roles

    Transposit announced results from a recent research study about the evolving roles of the CIO and CTO, as well as the extent of and attitudes towards adoption of DevOps practices in enterprises.

    Conducted in July 2021, findings from 415 CIOs and CTOs at medium and large enterprises reveal that these top executive roles have converged at the same time as both positions have taken on significantly increased responsibility for business strategy.

  • IE: Challenges and opportunities for Government's new Chief Information Officer

    It’s taken a while, a very long while to be frank. But last week’s appointment of Bill McCluggage as the Government’s new Chief Information Officer (CIO) is nonetheless welcome.

    A recognition, albeit a late one, that large organisations including Government, need an expert leading public sector IT strategy and delivery.

    Mr McCluggage describes himself as a self-confessed builder and innovator - two skills he is very likely to need, as he attempts to lead the transformation of Irish eGovernment and bring about change in the public sector here.

  • IE: No plans for a Government CIO – Rabbitte

    Communications Minister Pat Rabbitte TD has poured cold water on the likelihood of a State chief information officer (CIO) to manage all State IT expenditure.

    "There has been no progress on a Government CIO and this is unlikely to change," Rabbitte said today during a Q&A at the launch of a joint Government/EMC cloud innovation centre that will be open to SMEs and the public sector to test new applications.

    The idea of a Government CIO was first mooted in 2009 by the then Taoiseach Brian Cowen.

  • IN: Need of the hour: CIOs in Government

    Government of India is planning to have Chief Information Officers (CIOs) in at least 10 key ministries to supervise the implementation of Digital India programme. Besides, a Digital India Advisory Group (DIAG) would also be created, which will b e headed by Minister of Communications and IT. These CIOs will be nodal officers at key ministries to ensure smooth implementation of Prime Minister over Rs 1 lakh crore 'Digital India' programme.

    The key role of these CIOs will be planning, organizing and directing the efficient use of information and communication technology while managing the Digital India programme. The CIOs will not be managing desktops, laptops, smart phones or servers of a particular ministry but will be focused on the Mission Mode Projects under the Digital India programme.

  • IN: Ready, steady but nowhere to go for CIOs

    Chief information officers trained under capapcity building scheme of NeGP suffer because there is

    The capacity building (CB) scheme seems to be doing many things at once and at times can seem overprepared. What else can explain the training conducted under the programme of chief information officers (CIO) when the creation of a formal post, as recommended in the Nandan Nilekani-led committee report on human resource for e-governance, awaits the approval of the government?

    The report is pending the cabinet’s approval and it can take some time before the CIO becomes an official figure in every department.

  • Initiative D21 fordert Bundesbeauftragten für Informationstechnologie

    Die IT-Initiative D21 setzt sich für einen Bundesbeauftragten für Informationstechnologie ein. "Wir bräuchten einen IT-Chef, der die Beteiligten an einen runden Tisch bringt", sagte der D21-Vorstandsvorsitzende und frühere IBM-Chef Erwin Staudt vor dem Jahreskongress des Vereins in Köln. "Wir benötigen einen Masterplan: Wo investieren wir, wo gehen wir raus, welche Standards wird es geben. Das müssen wir jetzt umsetzen." Durch das föderative System sei die IT-Landschaft auf Bundesebene, in den Kommunen, an Schulen oder im öffentlichen Dienst ein "Flickenteppich". Beim Angebot von Behördendiensten im Internet sei Deutschland "auf einem Niveau mit Portugal".
  • Introducing the CIO role in Korean government

    How the CIO role proved to be a springboard for government IT success in South Korea. Report: James Smith.

    The popularity of e-government has seen an unprecedented loosening of purse-strings when it comes to government IT spending – and this has made the role of the CIO in public agencies more important than ever, and more complex.

  • Ireland's first CIO says we must 'challenge the status quo'

    Ireland’s first chief information officer (CIO) Bill McCluggage has highlighted the positive progress that clusters are making for the economy, particularly when they integrate government, private and academia.

    Heralded as an appointment vital to the Government’s technology direction, McCluggage became the State’s first CIO in June 2013 and is responsible for the strategic direction of technology right across the public sector.

  • JM: Government recruits CIO for e-Gov

    The Government has recruited the services of a top information technology executive to oversee the administration of its e-Government (e-Gov) agency.

    Minister of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining Phillip Paulwell, who made the announcement, said Canadian executive, Dr Louis Shallal will serve as chief information officer (CIO) for the agency.

  • New Zealand: Push for e-government creates CIO position

    PM saw need for government CIO

    On February 1 Brendan Boyle assumes the role of government chief information officer.

    “The prime minister is quite clear on the need for a CIO,” he says. “He saw the advantages of a modern ICT environment and is a great believer in what ICT can do in terms of productivity.

    “Rather than benchmark against other government departments, people now benchmark against online services such as those provided by banks.

  • Niedersachsen: IT - Bevollmächtigter der Landesregierung

    Schünemann stellt Dr. Christoph Lahmann als neuen CIO in Niedersachsen vor

    Innenminister Uwe Schünemann hat am Montag den designierten Bevollmächtigten für Informationstechnik (IT) der Landesregierung, Dr. Christoph Lahmann, vorgestellt. Die strategische Neuausrichtung der IT soll durch eine im Ministerium für Inneres und Sport angesiedelte verantwortliche Stelle vorangetrieben werden. In der Funktion des Chief Information Officers (CIO) wird Dr. Lahmann zum 1. Januar 2006 seine Arbeit aufnehmen. "Ich bin froh und ein bisschen stolz, dass es uns gelungen ist, einen absoluten Fachmann aus der Wirtschaft für die Gestaltung der Informationstechnik gewinnen zu können", sagte Schünemann. Bereits im April diesen Jahres hatte die Landesregierung im Rahmen der Phase zwei der Verwaltungsmodernisierung beschlossen, den Betrieb der Informationstechnik in der Landesverwaltung neu zu organisieren.

  • Nordrhein-Westfalen will einen CIO

    Nordrhein-Westfalen plant, im Zuge der Regierungsumbildung nach den nächsten Landtagswahlen einen Chief Information Officer (CIO) für Informationstechnologie zu berufen. Wie Innenminister Fritz Behrens gegenüber der Zeitschrift "Behörden Spiegel" erklärte, will die Landesregierung damit einer Aufforderung des Düsseldorfer Landtags nachkommen, für die optimierte Entwicklung der IT-Infrastrukturen das Amt eines CIO zu schaffen. Ziel ist vor allem die Koordinierung der staatlichen IT-Aktivitäten. Vor der Landtagswahl im Mai 2005 wolle man aber auf Regierungsebene keine Personaldebatte über die Besetzung führen.
  • NZ: Government expects action on GCIO review

    Government expects action on GCIO review

    State Services Minister Jonathan Coleman and Internal Affairs Minister Chris Tremain expect the public sector to put a much stronger focus on privacy and security, following the release of a review of the Government’s ICT systems today.

    The Government Chief Information Officer (GCIO) Colin MacDonald has published a review of the Government’s publicly accessible ICT systems such as kiosks, wi-fi networks and web services.

  • NZ: The new CIO toolkit

    Michele Caminos, managing vice president at Gartner, said ICT departments today face the reality of operating in "a very lean environment".

    The 'new normal', said Caminos, is an uncertain economy and tight budgets.

    Cost reduction remains a high priority -- ranking number three among ICT leaders, based on a recent Gartner survey of CIOs.

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