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CIO Chief Information Officer

  • US: White House to give CIOs more authority

    The Office of Management and Budget has mapped out its 18-month plan to overhaul how the government manages information technology, but agencies are taking different steps to carry out those marching orders.

    Chief information officers are expected to report Jan. 19 to the CIO Council on their progress carrying out the reforms. Meanwhile, White House officials are citing some agencies' strategies as models for others.

    One model is the Interior Department, where Secretary Ken Salazar named Bernard Mazer as the department's only CIO in December, giving him authority to terminate failing IT projects without having to negotiate with other offices. The order sets a six-month deadline for creating a plan to move all IT infrastructure, services and personnel "to the organization, management, ownership and control" of the CIO. Lawrence Gross was named the agency's only deputy CIO.

  • US: Why CIOs Must Think Beyond Technology

    Government Technology caught up with Benny Chacko, CIO of the Los Angeles County Probation Department, who discussed the importance of understanding your agency’s unique business needs and thinking beyond technology.

    Understanding the more technical aspects of the job of a public-sector IT professional is just the beginning. Modern CIOs bring a very diverse set of backgrounds — educational and professional — to their positions, and the agencies they work for reap the benefits. CIO Benny Chacko, of the Los Angeles County Probation Department, supplemented his bachelor’s degree in computer science with an MBA in finance to broaden his skill set, and had a number of private-sector jobs before joining the county workforce. We caught up with Chacko recently at the Los Angeles Digital Government Summit, where he talked about the importance of understanding your agency’s unique business needs and thinking beyond technology.

  • US: Why FirstNet Needs State CIOs

    Day two of NASCIO conference covers public safety communications, BYOD and project funding.

    How will the FirstNet nationwide public safety network impact state CIOs? That was key topic for day two of the NASCIO Annual Conference here on Tuesday. Here’s a rundown of some of the issues addressed and why the government shutdown didn’t prevent federal representatives from attending.

  • USA: A Case for Collaboration

    Public-sector information technology presents an opportunity not readily available in the competitive, for-profit, private sector: the opportunity for collaboration. Public-sector CIOs are not in competition; in fact, I frequently have the sense that we are in "commiseration," facing many of the same challenges and perceived limitations. Collaboration -- from sharing software across the Internet to joining forces in disaster recovery capabilities -- is an under-used tool that creates mutually beneficial outcomes for the relatively few communities that are testing the waters.
  • USA: A case for government CTOs

    A recent report by the NGA (National Governor's Association) Center for Best Practices reiterated the need for Governors to have strong, effective CIOs to manage their IT infrastructure. You might think this is a foregone conclusion, but some states still wonder, and each new wave of Governors struggles with the right mix anew.
  • USA: Boosting CIOs' stature

    The government must find ways to improve the effectiveness of federal chief information officers, experts and lawmakers said during a House subcommittee hearing this week.

    Government Accountability Office officials presented a report to the House Government Reform Committee's Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations and the Census Subcommittee, which held a hearing July 21 on CIOs' roles and responsibilities

  • USA: CIOs discuss the realities of Clinger-Cohen

    The Clinger-Cohen Act describes a chief information officer as an adviser to agency senior executives and a developer of sound enterprise architecture.

    A decade after the enactment of Clinger-Cohen, the CIO’s role in many agencies still does not match the law’s description, said policy experts at a recent event commemorating the legislation’s 10th anniversary.

  • USA: Eight years later, CIOs search for their place

    In the eight years since the creation of the federal chief information officer position, CIOs' roles are still in a state of flux.

    Experts told a House subcommittee last week that government officials must find ways to improve the effectiveness of CIOs.

  • USA: NASCIO to CIOs: Prepare for e-discovery

    The National Association of State Chief Information Officers wants state CIOs to prepare for E-Discovery.

    E-discovery is an important issue for both the public and private sectors as more critical business information is moved into electronic form, NASCIO officials said, adding that the successful location and retrieval of electronic information can be critical to the outcome of a lawsuit.

  • USA: OMB backtracks on granting CIOs more authority

    The Office of Management and Budget substantially edited a final memo outlining the role of federal chief information officers, removing from a draft version the responsibilities that would have given the technology executives more power within agencies.

    OMB officials said they wrote the memo to give agencies clearer guidance on the role and responsibilities of federal CIOs so IT would be more uniformly managed and to aid in a smooth transition to the next presidential administration. In a draft of the memo, the White House had stated a CIO should report to the head of the agency and "except where otherwise authorized by law, order, or waiver from the director of OMB, no other individual in any organizational component of the agency... has authorities or responsibilities that infringe upon those of the agency CIO."

  • USA: OMB: Agency CIOs have IT authority

    The chief information officers of federal agencies have ultimate authority for the governance, management and delivery of information technology programs in a department or agency, the Office of Management and Budget has said in a memo.

    The memo to agency heads from Clay Johnson, OMB's director for management, published Oct. 23 seeks to ensure that IT is managed effectively during the transition to the new administration, Karen Evans, OMB administrator for e-government and information technology, said at a briefing with reporters.

  • USA: Role of CIO still inconsistent 10 years after Clinger-Cohen

    The Clinger-Cohen Act has not failed the federal IT community; the implementation of many of its provisions is why some have criticized the 10-year-old law.

    Federal and private-sector IT experts came to that conclusion at a forum yesterday discussing the last decade under which agencies worked under what some have called the most important federal IT legislation ever. The Professional Services Council, an industry trade association in Arlington, Va., sponsored the event in Washington.

  • USA: Solving the Integration Puzzle

    Effective information sharing is key to government's ability to work effectively across organizational boundaries, but achieving that level of effectiveness isn't easy. Agency heads and programs managers are finding that information needed to plan, make decisions and act is often held outside their own organizations, maintained in disparate formats and used for widely different purposes.

    Changing the current situation is crucial for the long-term success of digital government, according to Sharon Dawes, director of the Center for Technology in Government. "Think about all the things we want to achieve with e-government: for citizens, high-quality services that are customer-centric, flexible and convenient; for our society, a government that works intelligently and efficiently in all its functions -- from environmental protection, to social welfare to homeland security," she said. "Success in all of these depends on our ability to share information and processes across boundaries."

  • USA: Will Hawaii Get a Full-Time CIO?

    Hawaii needs a full-time chief information officer to manage statewide IT strategic planning and oversee procurement processes -- one of several recommendations included in a recent report by a task force that studied ways to make the state more efficient.

    With a looming $721 million budget shortfall, Hawaii has been desperately searching for viable solutions to streamline public services. The 10-member Task Force on Reinventing Government was established by the Legislature to identify government weak spots and find ways to increase productivity and efficiency.

  • USA: Will the White House give CIOs more power in the 2011 budget?

    As the White House readies the fiscal 2011 federal budget, language in some fiscal 2010 spending bills indicates a commitment from Congress and the executive branch to broaden the power of chief information officers, say some industry professionals.

    A report accompanying the 2010 Veterans Affairs Department spending bill, which is awaiting full Senate consideration, calls on the department's CIO to certify a number of beleaguered information technology projects in order for them to receive funding.

  • ZA: Govt finally appoints CIO

    Government has finally appointed a permanent CIO, filling the post that has been vacant for more than six years.

    The state had been without an IT head since the resignation of CIO Michelle Williams at the end of April 2011. Williams initially took up the position in November 2007.

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