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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The role of chief information officers (CIOs) needs to be recognised as pivotal to the collective economic growth of a country such as Kenya, according to Victor Kyalo, acting chief executive officer (CEO) of the Kenya ICT Authority.

Kyalo was opening the International Data Corporation’s (IDC) inaugural East Africa CIO Summit in Nairobi, Kenya, focusing on the evolution of the role of CIOs in the changing technology environment.

“The strategic place of CIOs cannot be overemphasised as ICT increasingly emerges as a driver of business and e-government services,” said Kyalo in his opening address.

“The Kenya ICT Authority recognizes this new reality, and through its ICT Masterplan has identified the development of high-end ICT skills as a key growth proponent.”

Kyalo highlighted the importance of professional events as a chance to share and grow the country’s knowledge base.

“It goes without saying that we believe thought-leadership forums such as this one here today can only add to the development of our collective ICT knowledge as a country,” Kyalo said.

The full-day event brings together representatives of the banking and financial services sector, government, oil and gas players, construction and real estate sectors, utilities, and healthcare markets from across East Africa in a series of presentations and panel sessions, with a view to considering the how the transforming ICT landscape will affect businesses.

IDC analysts will be available throughout the day for one-on-one private meetings with CIOs to discuss and advise on the most pressing technical trends impacting on business.

Speaking at the event, Jyoti Lalchandani, IDC group vice president and regional managing director for the Middle East, Africa and Turkey, said the organisation hopes to impress upon attendees the key message that technological advances are empowering consumers to a new level, and as such businesses need to respond to a different type of audience.

“The last five years have seen the emergence of a new era in computing,” said Lalchandani.

“We call this new era the 3rd Platform. Harnessing the power of key technology pillars such as big data, mobile, cloud, and social media, this unstoppable force is transforming entire industries and empowering customers in new ways.

“It is also driving a fundamental evolution of the CIO’s role in the organisation, the tasks and responsibilities of the IT department, and the skill sets required by CIOs and their IT staff, and events such as today’s play a key role in getting that message across.”

The conference also sees the launch of the IDC’s Technology Advisory Council for East Africa, intended to facilitate technical development in the region, through bespoke development projects, as well as providing ongoing mentoring across the market.

“As IDC celebrates its 50th year of providing international markets with groundbreaking IT analysis, we are profoundly excited to kick start the Technology Advisory Council for East Africa,” said Onesmus Mbogo, country manager for IDC East Africa.

“The council will provide a far-reaching source of thought leadership on issues relating to strategic planning, research and development, and technology innovation.”


Autor(en)/Author(s): Gabriella Mulligan

Quelle/Source: HumanIPO, 17.06.2014

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