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Sunday, 8.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

BD: Bangladesch / Bangladesh

  • Bangladesh receives US$20m for public sector reform

    The Government of Bangladesh has embarked on a program of economic reforms to enhance government effectiveness and improve service delivery, and will receive support through a US$20 million grant approved today by the World Bank.
  • Bangladesh seeks Indian expertise for digital progress

    Considerable focus is on Indian IT companies for building Digital Bangladesh, a plan rolled out by the Government to take the country to the high road of prosperity in the 21st century, said Abdul Latif Siddiqui, the Bangladesh Minister for Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology, in Kolkata on Friday.

    He was attending ICT East 2014, a flagship event organized by CII Eastern Region in Kolkata.

    The Bangladesh Government is looking at joint ventures with Indian companies in the sector. Indian companies now are mostly into trading.

  • Bangladesh standardises public procurement

    Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has recently inaugurated the electronic government procurement (e-GP)-an online platform to carry out procurement activities by the public agencies - Procuring Agencies (PAs) and Procuring Entities (PEs).

    The e-GP system is a single web portal from where and through which PAs and PEs will be able to perform their procurement related activities using a dedicated secured web based dashboard.

    The e-Government Procurement solution introduced under Public Procurement Reform (PPR) Process is being supported by World Bank and being used by all government organisations which will help in ensuring equal access to the Bidders/Tenderers, efficiency, transparency and accountability in the public procurement process in the country.

  • Bangladesh to follow Sri Lanka's 'e-governance' model

    The Bangladeshi National Planning Commission will follow Sri Lanka's national 'e-governance' strategy as both countries have faced similar challenges in the field of e-government implementation.

    “It is very clear that we can apply some of the key strategies already identified by Sri Lanka’s authorities in the e-government implementations,” S.A.S.M. Taifur, Project Director of the Bangladesh Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Task Force, told reporters just after the national conference on e-government at the SOFTEXPO 2005 in Dhaka.

  • Bangladesh to go Kerala way

    The e-governance and m-governance applications in Kerala have impressed Bangladeshis too.

    A high-level team from Bangladesh has come down to the state to have a hands-on experience of the e-governance projects in the state so as to adopt similar models in their country.

    Various e-governance applications are being initiated in Bangladesh as part of an UNDP sponsored programme, Access to Information (A2I).

    The delegation led by Mr Razee Mohammad Fakhrul, member of A2I programme, interacted with officials of Akshaya on how the centres were being run in a sustainable manner. A similar citizen services delivery project is being launched in Bangladesh too.

  • Bangladesh to introduce automated fingerprint identification system to identify criminals

    The Bangladesh government plans to introduce Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) and Photo Matching System (PMS) to identify criminals, local newspaper The Independent reported Friday.

    State Minister for Home Affairs Lutfuzzaman Babar disclosed it at the opening ceremony of AFIS and PMS for the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) here Thursday.

  • Bangladesh to introduce countrywide "telehealth care services"

    The Bangladesh government will introduce "Telehealth Care Services" across the country from next month aiming at providing health care facility to all the people, a senior official said Wednesday.

    Director General of Health Services under Bangladesh's Health Ministry Md Abul Faiz said that all public hospitals at the country's 481 sub-districts will be provided required logistics including mobile phones for establishing a unit of telehealth care center.

    "Through telehealth system, we'll be able to provide medical care closer to home for all," he said.

  • Bangladesh to issue new eIDs in October

    Smart national identity cards are to be issued in Bangladesh on 2 October, according to senior officials.

    Revealing the launch date, Brigadier General Sultanuzzaman Md Saleh Uddin, director general of the NID registration wing, said detailed information of a voter with photograph would be included in the new cards.

    The cards feature 2D barcodes and 25 sustainable security features that will prevent any possible forgery, he said.

  • Bangladesh to launch 20K sites for e-services boost

    The Bangladesh government says it plans to launch 20,000 Web sites by 2015 in order to bring e-services to the masses as part of its Digital Bangladesh vision.

    Local newspaper The Daily Star reported Monday that these sites will be developed and hosted by the government under the National Portal Framework (NPF) in districts, subdistricts, divisions, ministries and directorates, according to Anir Chowdhury, policy adviser for Access to Information (A2I) at the Prime Minister's Office (PMO).

    Scheduled to launch in July this year, the NPF is being developed both by the government and the Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS) to extend e-services and information to citizens, the report stated.

  • Bangladesh to set up regulatory environment for e-government

    The ICT Ministry of Bangladesh has taken crucial steps to strengthen regulation of e-government services, ensuring quality of digital service delivery.

    “We are going to introduce e-service regulations to ensure quality and standard electronic services in a disciplined way to the people against the backdrop of delivering of over 250 e-services in the public sector,” announced ICT Secretary, Md Nazrul Islam Khan.

  • Bangladesh turns around thru’ ICT: Palak

    Bangladesh has turned around from poverty due to unhindered use of information and communication technology and thousands of youths were being recruited at different institutions in this sector.

    The information and communication technology affairs state-minister Zunaid Ahmed Palak on Saturday said this, adding that the ICT had now turned as the third largest field of foreign exchange earner in the country after the garments and remittance sectors.

  • Bangladesh: A reflection of unpreparedness?

    There is no doubt that Digital Bangladesh is not only a catch-phrase for the government, but is also a reflection of the common man's desire for a better and modern Bangladesh. The once popular phrase Shonar Bangla is now being replaced by "Digital Bangladesh."

    The national budget reflects the government's commitment towards Digital Bangladesh, but possibly falls short with respect to giving a clear direction about the approach it will take to realise the goal. Its commitment is indicated by the fact that the total allocation for ICT-related components has substantially increased from last year.

  • Bangladesh: Review meeting on E-governance held at PMO

    A review meeting on 'E-governance Quick Win' was held at the Prime Minister's Office on Monday.

    The meeting was informed that at least 12 ministries and departments of the government are currently providing E-service to the people.

    People of remote areas started getting information about earnings through Union Information Center (UIC), and Agriculture Information and Communication Center (AICC).

  • Bangladesh: Telemedicine becoming popular at faster rate

    Telemedicine is a rapidly developing application of clinical medicine where medical information is transferred via telephone, the Internet or other networks for the purpose of consulting, and sometimes remote medical procedures or examinations.

    Telemedicine may be as simple as two health professionals discussing a case over the telephone, or as complex as using satellite technology and video-conferencing equipment to conduct a real-time consultation between medical specialists in two different countries. Telemedicine generally refers to the use of communications and information technologies for the delivery of clinical care.

  • Bangladesh: 'ICT acts as key driver of economic growth for developed, developing economies’

    Information Communications Technology (ICT) has improved the quality of life worldwide and acted as a key driver of economic growth for both the developed and developing economies", 'speakers revealed this in a knowledge sharing event jointly organised by the Singapore Government and the World Bank yesterday in Dhaka.

    The event styled as "The Singapore Experience: Ingredients for successful Nation-wide eTransformation" was organised to mark the 'Singapore ICT Day event for South Asia'.

  • Bangladesh: 'Telecentres to reduce urban-rural gap'

    A two-day National Telecentre Conference began at the Rural Development Academy in Bogra yesterday with a view to reducing the gap between urban and rural communities.

    Speaking on the occasion, Secretary to science and ICT ministry S M Wahid-uz-Zaman said the government has taken up a number of initiatives to integrate information communication technology (ICT) into the national economic development strategy.

    He said his ministry has already developed an ICT roadmap and e-government strategy and revamped its ICT policy.

  • Bangladesh: 'Use e-Health for masses'

    Speakers at a roundtable yesterday said e-Health schemes should be focused on providing healthcare to general public rather than using technology in ways that would not be of any help to them.

    Emphasis should be on ideas that would make healthcare more accessible to the general people above everything else, they added.

    The roundtable on 'Future of e-Health in Bangladesh' was organised by Bangladesh Enterprise Institute (BEI) at its conference room in the city.

  • Bangladesh: 12 ministries, depts start E-service

    Ministry meeting highlights e-governance successes, including paying utility and land bills through the Internet

    At least 12 ministries and departments of the government have already started to provide E-service to the people, says a press release.

    It was told at a review meeting on "E-governance quick win" at the Prime Minister's Office in the city yesterday. Around 50 officials of different ministries and departments attended the meeting.

  • Bangladesh: Access to Internet to catch up with the rest of the world

    It is good to know that the government aims to extend the field of computer literacy to a wider section of the populace, a move in the right direction given its relevance in the current context of an ever shrinking world.

    If realised, it will certainly be a huge advantage for a country still attempting to link with the Information Superhighway. It will have far reaching beneficial consequences to the nation as a whole.

    In today's environment where globalisation is the buzzword, it is only fair that a wider section of the country's population is provided with the wherewithal to expand the frontiers of their knowledge and catch up with the developments of the modern world.

  • Bangladesh: Application areas of ICT

    The whole world is now a village through the effective use of ICT. In most developing countries, access to ICT based information is very limited, but we will have to have tried to implement it in our country for our next generation.

    There are three main types of ICT systems -- Information system that focuses on managing data and information, Control system a system that controls machines. It uses inputs, processes the input, and provides output. Third is the Communication system, which deals with transfer of data from one place to another.

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