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Sunday, 8.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

BD: Bangladesch / Bangladesh

  • Bangladesh: The mirage called good governance

    'Poor governance' is one of the most-discussed issues in Bangladesh. Meetings and discussions have been galore on this issue with everyone, including those who were/are contributing to governance problem, highlighting the need for improving governance. But all the exhortations have failed to bring about any tangible change in the ground-level situation.
  • Bangladesh: Titas to introduce e-governance by April

    Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Ltd, the state-owned gas company, is going to introduce e-governance application in processing its new industrial connections by April this year.

    An agreement was signed in this regard between Titas and Business Automation Ltd, a local software giant on Monday in the city.

    Under the agreement, software developer Business Automation will develop an online application processing and tracking system for the industrial clients of Titas Gas upon completion of which there will be more transparency, accountability and efficiency in new gas connection system.

  • Bangladesh: Towards a knowledge-based society

    The term 'Digital Bangladesh' has created renewed interest in government and commercial organisations in utilising Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Digital Bangladesh comprises e-governance and service delivery through utilising ICT, but the vision encompasses much more. In order to be successful there has to be knowledge creation and management.

    The government and the organisations have invested heavily on technologies and overseas consultancies to utilise the potential of the promised e-governance and e-services. But technology alone won't fix or alleviate a business problem. It is important to understand that knowledge management is often facilitated by ICT -- technology by itself is not knowledge management.

  • Bangladesh: Transforming governments through e-government projects

    The success of e-government requires fundamentally changing how government works and how people view the ways in which government helps them. There is no "one size fits all" strategy in implementing e-government, but we have identified five essential elements in the transformation process.
  • Bangladesh: Use of open source software in govt offices, e-govt projects suggested

    Speakers at a brainstorming seminar Wednesday said the government should use open source technology in all its offices while trying to implement various e-government projects.

    Mentioning that open source technology is very much suitable for introducing e-governance in poor countries like Bangladesh, they said the government needs to adopt a policy right now to procure open source software in implementing e-government projects considering the cost effectiveness of this technology.

  • Bangladesh: Vested interests always act against good governance

    The terms governance and good governance are being increasingly used in development literature. Governance describes the process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented (or not implemented).

    Good governance defines an ideal which is nearly impossible or difficult to achieve in its totality. However, to ensure sustainable human development, actions must be taken to work towards this ideal. Major donors and international financial institutions, like the IMF or World Bank, are emphasisizing good governance.

  • Bangladesh: Video conference rooms at all DC offices by November

    The government will set up video conference rooms at all district administration offices by November as Bangladesh Telecommunication Company Ltd (BTCL) has already made broadband internet connectivity with all 64 districts through optical fibre network.

    "All the 64 district administration offices are already under optical fibre network which can provide high speed internet connection to manage video conference," Additional Secretary of cabinet division Khandkar Anwarul Islam told BSS yesterday.

  • Bangladesh: Voter ID card may not serve as the magic tool without ICT in place

    Although we all welcomed the caretaker government's noble intention and initiative to prepare voter ID cards for ensuring a transparent and fair election process, I would like to take a cautious and sceptical view about the desired outcome, if the associated governance process and mechanisms are not developed side by side or given a thorough consideration.

    The ad-hoc arrangement of voter ID card, and more particularly the national ID card, will fail to deliver its proper value if it is planned without keeping pace with the national ICT infrastructure and national strategy in adopting ICT in the mainstream of the government.

  • Bangladesh: Will practice support purpose?

    Promptitude and exactness in decision-making and correspondence are the primary purposes of e-governance. But exactness in decision-making is antithetical to manipulation -- the basic element that fosters corruption. Frequent policy changes geared to serving calculated notorious designs are also a manifest sign of the same vice. How then can e-governance become the management feature of this society, identified as the most corrupt one by a foreign research body of repute in five successive years in a row? Unless this moot point is addressed seriously, all efforts for making e-governance effective will be like multiplying the figure one by itself any number of times. It is basically the honesty of purpose that matters most. After all, man-made computers having installed intelligence of a limited nature are no better than the intentions of their users. Hackers -- who are intelligent but corrupt, have proved the inability of this machine to guard against manipulation. But if the intentions of users are pious, computers are undeniably superb in performance -- those serve their masters faithfully.
  • Bangladesh: Workshop on finalizing e-government procurement guidelines today

    A workshop titled "Procurement: A way forward to e-GP" will be held at the NEC Conference Room at the Planning Commission premises at 10 am today for finalization of e-government procurement (e-GP) guidelines.

    Minister for Planning Air Vice-Marshal (Retd) AK Khandker will inaugurate the workshop as the chief guest organized by the Central Procurement Technical Unit (CPTU) of the Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED), said a CPTU release here on Saturday.

  • Bangladeshi officials lack IT knowledge

    Most government officials in Bangladesh are still unfamiliar with IT-based governance two years after the launch of the country's e-government programme.

    According to a recent study presented at a meeting of the executive committee of National Taskforce on Information and Communication Technologies (NTICT), only 28 per cent of government administrators can operate a computer, despite US$13.6 million spent to date on the national e-government project since 2002.

  • BD occupies 124th spot in UN e-government survey

    Bangladesh has occupied the 124th rank among 193 countries in the United Nations E-Government Survey-2016.

    The 2016 ranking is 24 notches better than that of 2014 (148), said an an official of Access to Information(a2i) programme on Friday, reports BSS.

  • BD: Digitisation gets a boost

    Public offices in Dhaka connected with district headquarters by fibre optic links

    The government has moved a step closer to its Digital Bangladesh vision by connecting public offices in Dhaka with district and upazila headquarters through a high-speed fibre optic network.

    The information and communication technology ministry has also built a network of internet protocol telephony for public offices to ensure better communication.

  • BD: Fisheries smart city in Chakaria on the cards to boost blue economy

    The government has planned to develop a smart city for fisheries in Chakaria Upazila of Cox's Bazar to tap the potential of the blue economy through marine fisheries.

    "Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has directed the fisheries ministry to explore the potential of the blue economy by developing a national marine fisheries management plan. We are striving to improve fish production and the livelihoods of fishermen," said Fisheries and Livestock Minister SM Rezaul Karim at a roundtable on Sunday.

  • BD: Govt embarks on a digital drive

    The government made a big move towards speeding up the country's transition into a tech-savvy nation at the second meeting of the Digital Bangladesh Taskforce in the capital yesterday.

    Major decisions include expanding the e-tendering process within six months, ensuring internet for all educational institutes by 2018, appointing international business consultants, and encouraging local assembly of digital devices like laptops, pads, tablets and smartphones.

  • BD: Govt launches 500 mobile apps

    The government has launched a total of 500 mobile apps in an attempt to facilitate public services to the people easily and cheaply using internet.

    Prime minister Sheikh Hasina's information and communication technology (ICT) affairs adviser Sajeeb Wazed Joy inaugurated the mobile applications in a programme on Sunday.

    The function was organised by the government’s ICT Division at Bangladesh Computer Council auditorium at Agargaon in Dhaka.

  • BD: Govt to create one lakh IT literate teachers

    The government plans to establish ICT training and resource centres in 125 upazilas and create one lakh IT literate teachers at secondary schools and madrasas within the next two years to spread e-learning across the country, said official sources.

    Education Secretary Md Nazrul Islam Khan told the news agency that in light of the government's Digital Bangladesh vision, the education ministry has launched a number of e-education projects, including the one for IT literate teachers.

  • BD: Govt to curb attacks on its cyberspace

    The government has set up a computer incident response team (CIRT) at Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) to secure its online public service delivery platform network, official sources said.

    They said the CIRT has been set up under a World Bank-funded Leveraging ICT for Growth, Employment and Governance (LICT) Project to protect its e-(electronic) government platform from the fast growing cyber attacks and cyber crimes.

  • BD: Govt urged to provide high-speed internet at affordable cost

    Speakers at a programme have urged the government to provide high-speed internet at affordable cost across the country to ensure people's access to available digital services.

    They also stressed the need for bringing down the prices of digital devices by adjusting tax rates and promoting local manufacturers.

    Besides, they suggested creating sector-specific skilled human resources for digital transformation of both government and private services in a bid to fulfil the vision of 'Digital Bangladesh'.

  • BD: Grasping the value of blockchain-focused research and education

    The demand for blockchain technology is intensifying at a rapid pace, signalling the stipulation for talent and expertise. What unfolded as a consequence of the cataclysmic financial crisis in 2008, has become one of the most radical solutions to alter the groundwork of numerous industries. Blockchain technology has become an eccentric solution to the predominant banking system, providing more control to the users and a level-playing field for new financial entrepreneurs.

    Although it is renowned in the financial world, very few people comprehend the capabilities of the technology beyond that framework. The severe precariousness of the market and pessimism surrounding the notion of decentralised finance has dispersed unsolicited publicity, even though the technology rapidly evolved, and surfaced as a key disruptive player in the non-financial context.

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