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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The government will set up video conference rooms at all district administration offices by November as Bangladesh Telecommunication Company Ltd (BTCL) has already made broadband internet connectivity with all 64 districts through optical fibre network.

"All the 64 district administration offices are already under optical fibre network which can provide high speed internet connection to manage video conference," Additional Secretary of cabinet division Khandkar Anwarul Islam told BSS yesterday.

The BTCL has installed the optical fibre network in all the districts under a design prepared by the UNDP funded Access to Information (A2I) programme, operated from the Prime Minister's Office to materialize the government's pledge to build Digital Bangladesh.

Khandakar said the initiative of setting up optical fibres at all DC offices was taken as part of the government's goal of establishing e- governance through utilizing digital devices.

After setting up video conference rooms, he expected that the district administration authorities could promptly hold meetings with the divisional and central headquarters, which would expedite the administrative jobs.

The BTCL sources said they have already completed the procurement process of equipment for the video conference rooms and mega screen television and cameras for holding video conferences."The equipment would reach all district offices within two months", sources said.

Under another project, the official concerned of National Institute of Local Government (NILG) said they are working to expand the optical fibre network to all unions by 2012 to provide high speed internet facilities to the villagers.

"We have already setup broadband internet connection through optical fibre network to 100 union parishads and set a target to expand the network to 1000 unions by the end of this year," he added.

Quelle/Source: The New Nation, 09.09.2010

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