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Sunday, 8.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

BD: Bangladesch / Bangladesh

  • Smart City Initiatives-Bangladesh starts on Sept 24

    The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Bangladesh Section, is going to organise “Smart City Initiatives- Bangladesh” in capital’s Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB) on Sept 24-25.

    IEEE is the world's largest association of technical professionals with more than 4,23,000 members in over 160 countries around the world. IEB, the support partner of the “Smart City Initiatives- Bangladesh”, is the most prestigious National Professional Organization of the country.

  • Tapping the potential of ICT sector in Bangladesh

    A decade has passed since the acquisition of land for setting up an information technology (IT) park at Kaliakoir near Dhaka. But actual activities to get the park going in every sense of the term has been very little.

    The IT park was intended to give this sector a big leap forward in all respects. It was aimed to be built up with uninterrupted power supply and continuous supply of high-speed Internet connectivity round the clock.

  • The vision for a Smart Bangladesh

    Assessing the Awami League manifesto and how Smart Bangladesh could be achieved

    The Bangladesh Awami League (AL), the largest political party in the country, declared its election manifesto for the 12th Jatiya Sangsad election to win support from the people. This manifesto has encapsulated a vision for building a “Smart Bangladesh,” After reading the manifesto, the questions which popped up in my mind are: What is a smart Bangladesh? Is it achievable? How will it benefit the country and its citizens? I will try to find answers to these questions.

    The idea of the smart country has been an extension of the concept called smart city popularized by IBM in the late 2000s. A smart city is “a high-tech, advanced city that connects people, information, and city elements using new technologies to create a sustainable, greener, competitive, innovative, and livable city”.

  • Towards a digital Bangladesh

    The official launching of the first Bangladesh-assembled laptop "Doel", named after the country's national bird, has suddenly opened up the vista of limitless possibilities. Laptops and notebooks -also computers of lower capabilities, when made available to people, particularly to students from an early stage, can bring about a sea-change in the dissemination or spread of information and knowledge. Sure enough, the first condition is to acquire the aptitude and skill for e-literacy to have access to the wide world of information and knowledge. So, mere production or setting up of an assembly line is no guarantee for digitalising education, administration and social connectivity. There is a need for mastering the skill for handling the technology well and coming in terms with the flow of information and using the most relevant sets from it.

  • World Bank asks Bangladesh to follow Singapore in ICT

    The World Bank asked Bangladesh on Wednesday to follow experiences and practices of Singapore in information and communication technology (ICT) to achieve its vision for a digital country by 2021.

    "Digital Bangladesh has generated public excitement and support, challenged the government to new ways of working and thinking... and solve problems through ICT," said Ellen Goldstein, country director of World Bank in Bangladesh.

  • Yafez for sincere efforts to build 'Digital Bangladesh'

    State Minister for Science and Information and Communication Technology Architect Yafez Osman here on Thursday called for sincere and collective efforts to build 'Digital Bangladesh' as announced by the present government led by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

    Addressing as the chief guest the opening ceremony of a daylong divisional seminar on "Vision 2021: Digital Bangladesh and Our responsibility" here, he said the rural people should be brought under the digitalization process side by side with the urban people to attain the cherished goal.

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