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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Information Communications Technology (ICT) has improved the quality of life worldwide and acted as a key driver of economic growth for both the developed and developing economies", 'speakers revealed this in a knowledge sharing event jointly organised by the Singapore Government and the World Bank yesterday in Dhaka.

The event styled as "The Singapore Experience: Ingredients for successful Nation-wide eTransformation" was organised to mark the 'Singapore ICT Day event for South Asia'.

The workshop focused on ICT's role in public sector transformation in order to achieve the Government of Bangladesh's vision of Digital Bangladesh.

The knowledge sharing event provided the opportunity for Bangladesh and other South Asian countries, who participated by video conference to learn and reflect from the Singaporean experience.

"Information Communication technology is changing the world around us, impacting the global economy in ways difficult to imagine just a decade ago." said Ellen Goldstein, World Bank Country Director Bangladesh "The Bangladesh Government's progressive vision of Digital Bangladesh can act as the catalyst to leverage information communications technology to accelarate economic growth within the new digital economy.

Sharing of success stories and experiences of countries such as Singapore will help design and implement an E-governance framework for Bangladesh."

Integrating ICT into the economy and society is essential for development and growth.

A good e-Government framework is essential to increase efficiency for public services delivery, to improve the business environment and to enhance transparency. It helps creating jobs and connects rural communities to global knowledge.

"The use of Infocomm Technology, especially in e-Government (e-Gov) adoption, has propelled Singapore into a vibrant high-tech economy in the space of a few decades" said Verghese Mathews, Singapore's High Commissioner to Bangladesh "The close public-private partnership approach we adopted has equipped Singapore's companies with strengths in developing and customising ICT solutions, thus enabling seamless delivery of services to the government sector and public alike.


Quelle/Source: The New Nation, 05.02.2010

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