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Montag, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Home Affairs, Hj Awg Mohd Mandi POKDSD Dato Laila Utama Hj Awg Abd Rahman yesterday officiated and witnessed the E-Government Contract Signing between the Fire & Rescue Services Department and a local established bumiputra ICT firm Alif Technoloaies.

The event, held at the Rizqun International Hotel in Gadong, also saw the attendance of senior officials from the Ministry of Home Affairs, Fire and Rescue Services Department, ITPSS and Alif Technologies.

Weiterlesen: Brunei: News System Ensure Efficiency In Handling Emergency Calls

A $2.7 MILLION contract aimed to provide IT equipment to all government medical facilities was signed yesterday at the Ministry of Health, Berakas.

The Leasing of Personal Computers and Peripherals Agreement entails the distribution of 1,380 units of IT equipment by Komputer Wisman Sdn Bhd to all government hospitals, health centres, clinics, treatment centres and health related offices.

Weiterlesen: Brunei: IT boost to govt medical facilities

The government is embarking on a $9.5 million e-government project for the delivery of the country's National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI).

The e-Map project will provide users the means to share geographical data and promote the development of business applications that utilise spatial data, which will produce significant savings for data collection and use and enhance decision-making.

Weiterlesen: Brunei: e-Map for access to geographical data

The government of Brunei Darussalam's latest contract for an online portal could be one of the most cutting-edge projects yet to be embraced here under the e-government initiative.

The Ministry of Education signed a deal yesterday with local firm TechnoNet Sdn Bhd on the provision of the Enterprise Service Portal, which looks set to top all enterprise information management (EIM) systems in scale and functionality.

Weiterlesen: Brunei: The cutting-edge project

The highlight of the annual Civil Service Day that falls on every 29th of September is the Civil Service Excellent Award. It is one of the government's initiatives to foster a culture of innovation.

The participation from government agencies competing for the award has been overwhelming. Is this a sign that the civil service is ready to transform into the New Public Management (NPM) style? Although we have observed changes, these are still way below public expectation considering that 13 years have lapsed since the introduction of the award scheme.

Weiterlesen: Brunei: Civil Service Excellent Award - sign of change or just a 'show'?

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