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Sonntag, 9.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001


  • Latvia plans e-voting for 2009 elections

    Taking the lead of fellow Baltic states Estonia and Lithuania, Latvia said Monday it planned to allow voters to cast ballots by Internet in elections in 2009.

    "This system will be used for municipal and European parliamentary elections," Latvia's e-government minister Ina Gulde told AFP.

    "It is meant to give an extra opportunity to voters to express their opinions," she said.

  • Malawi eyes biometric voting

    Malawi’s Electoral Commission says it is to adopt an electronic biometric voter registration system.

    The move follows what the Electoral Commission describes as ‘enormous challenges in maintaining a credible voters’ roll’. The main challenge was data capture in the field, which the new system will resolve.

    The biometric voter registration system will use fingerprint scanners and digital cameras to capture the biometric data of applicants.

  • Malaysia to use biometric system for voters in elections

    Malaysia will use the biometric system, similar to the one currently used by the country''s Immigration Department, in the next general elections to avoid accusation of phantom votes.

    Election Commission chairman Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof said he hoped this would finally lay to rest all sorts of allegations.

    Phantom votes are found when the number of votes reported is higher than the number of ballots cast.

  • Malaysia to use biometrics in elections

    The Malaysian Election Commission (EC) said it considers using biometric system for voters’ verification process in general elections.

    EC Chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof said the commission would first have to scrutinize the system before the implementation.

    “Although the system was capable of detecting multiple voting and ensuring transparency, it needed to be scrutinised before being implemented because it would be very costly,” Abdul Aziz said in a statement.

  • Mängel bei der Überprüfung von Wahlcomputern für die Zulassung in den USA

    Mit Milliarden von Dollar hatte die Bush-Regierung nach dem Debakel mit den alten Maschinen bei der Präsidentschaftswahl 2000 die Einführung von Wahlcomputern gefördert. Allerdings wurden bei diesen zahlreiche Sicherheitsmängel und Manipulationsmöglichkeiten entdeckt. Besonders kritisiert wurden Wahlcomputer, bei denen es keine unabhängigen Kontrollmechanismen etwa in Form eines Papierausdrucks gibt.
  • Mit virtueller ''Wahlkabine'' zur ''richtigen'' Partei

    Ähnlich wie vor den Bundestagswahlen in Deutschland haben nun auch Österreichs Bürger die Möglichkeit, online zu "wählen". Anhand der Beantwortung von 26 Fragen zur politischen Einstellung kann jeder Interessierte oder Unentschlossene erfahren, welcher österreichischen Parlamentspartei er politisch am nächsten steht und wem er demnach bei den vorgezogenen Parlamentswahlen am 24. November seine Stimme geben könnte.
  • Move over bulky ballot boxes and long queues; the era of e-democracy is here

    Uganda was among 17 African countries going to the polls this year. In all these states, the mere mention of electronic voting sparks a debate that portrays Africa as not being ready for digitalised elections.

    The Electoral Commission of Uganda tried biometric registration in a bid to reduce fraud. Uganda also used ICT in transmitting the results from the district returning officers to the national tallying centre. This is the kind of system that was used in Kenya during the referendum and by-elections with credible success.

    But the hard nut to crack in most African elections lies in digitalising the whole processes involved so as to attain e-voting alongside e-democracy and e-government. Challenges and the dark side usually take centre stage.

  • MY: Election Commission Mulls Possibility Of Using Biometric System

    The Election Commission (EC) is mulling over the possibility of using biometric system to enable the voter's verification process to be done electronically, EC chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof.

    He said although the system was capable of detecting multiple voting and ensuring transparency, it needed to be scrutinised before being implemented because it would be very costly.

    "However, this does not mean that the existing system is no longer relevant, safe or transparent because despite allegations of multiple voting cases, none of the claims resulted in an election petition or had been brought to court so far," he said in an interview with Bernama and RTM here recently.

  • MY: Election Commission Plans Using Biometric System In Coming General Election

    The Election Commission (EC) plans to use the biometric system to enable the verification of voters in the coming general election to be done electronically, said its chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof.

    He said the EC would cooperate with the Home Ministry in using the system which was now being used by the ministry to verify foreigners.

    "The same principle shall apply, but the system to be used on voters," he told reporters at his office, here, today.

  • MY: Expert predicts 60 per cent of next political campaign done online

    The coming state election will see an intense online campaign.

    An expert even predicts that 60 per cent of political campaigns will be done through the Internet especially social media.

    Media activist Sean Ang said on Sunday night that the power of social media in the political arena must not be underestimated as witnessed during past elections.

    “The rise of opposition parties in the past years is because of the Internet especially blogs.

  • MY: Najib: Government To Provide Allocation For EC's Biometric System

    The government has agreed to provide allocations for the Election Commission (EC) to implement the biometric voter verification system, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said.

    He said the system was one of the initiatives undertaken by the EC to ensure transparency in the country's elections.

    "The implementation of the biometric system will be able to counter allegations about the existence of phantom voters," he said at a meet-the-people programme at Dewan 2020, here today.

  • Nedap voting machines knee-deep in controversy

    A European group of hackers has urged governments not to use the Dutch-made e-voting machines currently stored by the Irish government for future elections.

    The German Computer Chaos Club (CCC) has called for a ban on the Nedap ES3B voting machine because of fears radio emissions from the electronic voting booths could be intercepted and citizens' voting preferences exposed.

  • Nedap-Wahlcomputer dürfen zur hessischen Landtagswahl eingesetzt werden

    Sieben Wochen vor der Landtagswahl am 27. Januar hat das Hessische Ministerium des Innern und für Sport jetzt die Verwendungsgenehmigung zum Einsatz von Nedap-Wahlcomputern des Typs ESD1 und ESD2 erteilt und hierfür zusätzliche Sicherheitsauflagen ausgesprochen. So ist nicht nur die Funktionsfähigkeit und die Richtigkeit der Programmierung rechtzeitig vor der Wahl an Hand der Bedienungsanleitungen und Wartungsvorschriften "vom Hersteller oder von der Gemeindebehörde zu überprüfen und festzustellen", sondern darüber hinaus "mit mindestens einem Wahlgerät in der Gemeinde ein Probleauf durchzuführen, der die richtige Registrierung der abgegebenen Stimmen erweist". Der Probelauf soll "von einem unabhängigen Gremium" durchgeführt werden, das wie ein Wahlvorstand fungiert und das zu erprobende Wahlgerät auswählt; der Probleauf selbst muss hinsichtlich des Wähleraufkommens und der Dauer dem Ablauf einer regulären Wahlhandlung in einem Wahlbezirk entsprechen.

  • Nepal: e-Democracy For New Democratic Paradigm

    The innovative use of new media to significantly enhance democratic governance by facilitating more direct participation by citizens in the political decision-making arena is known as e-democracy.

    Utilising communications technology to promote more effective democratic politics is an entirely new concept. But the more recent potential of the Internet to place greater power in the hands of individual citizen vis-�-vis their political representatives, institutions of entrenched interest and even the policy decisions of global corporations has led some to suggest that e-democracy offers the prospect of an entirely new democratic paradigm.

  • Neue Domain www.bundeswahlleiter.de

    Wie der Bundeswahlleiter mitteilt, ist sein umfangreiches Internetangebot zum Thema Wahlen ab sofort zusätzlich auch unter der einprägsamen Domain www.bundeswahlleiter.de erreichbar.
  • Neue E-Voting-Tests in der Schweiz

    Online-Wahlen in Wassenaar-Land

    Wie die Schweizer Bundeskanzlei am Sonntag mitgeteilt hat, sind anlässlich der eidgenössischen Volksabstimmung vom 1. Juni wieder zwei Versuche mit Internet-Wahlsystemen durchgeführt worden.

    Der erste Test fand in den Gemeinden Bertschikon, Bülach und Schlieren im Kanton Zürich statt. Dort hatten 17.777 Wahlberechtigte die Möglichkeit, über das Internet ihre Stimme abzugeben. Davon machten 1.209 Personen Gebrauch. Der Test war der vierte Versuch mit Internet-Voting im Kanton Zürich.

  • New Phase of Digital Voting Pilots

    Councils in England and Wales have been invited to submit bids to take part in a range of local election technology pilots on May 2003 to include internet voting, text messaging, digital TV and electronic polling machines.
  • New Zealand readies e-vote pilot as US wavers

    Law changes, authentication system awaited

    As misgivings about online voting systems grow in the US, New Zealand’s chief electoral office intends pressing ahead with an e-voting pilot in one electorate for the 2008 general election.

  • New Zealand readies e-vote pilot as US wavers

    As misgivings about online voting systems grow in the US, New Zealand’s chief electoral office intends pressing ahead with an e-voting pilot in one electorate for the 2008 general election.

    Such a limited initiative will allow any mishaps or disputes over electronic votes to be contained, says the chief electoral office’s manager of electoral events, Robert Peden.

  • NG: Electronic voting likely in 2015, says Jega

    Nigerians may vote electronically in the 2015 general elections, Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) Chairman Prof Attahiru Jega said yesterday.

    This, he said, will depend on the amendment of electoral laws, which presently do not recognise electronic voting.

    Jega said contracts are being awarded for the production of a permanent voter register, which will be embedded in electronic chips on cards.

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