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Sonntag, 9.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001


  • GH: Political parties press for early training on biometric register

    Political parties in Ghana are calling on the Electoral Commission to organise an Inter Party Advisory Committee (IPAC) meeting ahead of the pilot implementation of the biometric voter registration exercise.

    The exercise will involve the collection of biometric data such as finger prints and facial scans of voters.

    The New Patriotic Party (NPP) MP for Manhyia in the Ashanti region, Dr. Matthew Opoku-Prempeh, told Citi News that the IPAC meeting is important to thoroughly educate the political parties on the intricacies of the biometric registration.

  • GH: Political Parties Welcome Biometric Register

    The country’s four main political parties have welcomed government’s decision to release GH¢50 million for the biometric registration of voters for the 2012 general election.

    The parties, the National Democratic Congress (NDC), the New Patriotic Party (NPP), the People’s National Convention (PNC) and the Convention People’s Party (CPP), all described it as a step in the right direction, especially when the implementation of the biometric registration would eliminate multiple registration and voting as well as deepen the country’s democratic culture.

  • GH: Qualification Criteria For Biometric Voter Registration Out

    The Electoral Commission (EC) Ghana, has spelt out qualification criteria for participation in the biometric voter registration exercise, fixed tentatively for the first phase from March 24-April 2, 2012 across the country.

    Dr Kwadwo Afari Gyan, EC Chairman who spelt out the criteria in Accra said a prospective voter is required to provide their exact date of birth, their current residential address as well as their hometown address.

  • GH: Training In Biometric Machine Use Must Be Top Priority In Next Election - CODEO

    The Coalition of Domestic Election Observers (CODEO) has called on the Electoral Commission (EC) to actively engage electoral officers and all persons associated with the Biometric Verification Machines process in intensive education prior to future elections.

    According to the group: “if Ghana is to continue in the use of Biometric Verification System for voting, then the Electoral Commission must procure adequate Biometric logistics and associated protective measures and backups to forestall malfunction during polling.”

  • GH: Vote Transfer Will Be Difficult This Year - Deputy EC Chair

    A deputy chairman of the Electoral Commission, David Kanga has warned that transferring of voters from one polling station to another will be very difficult this year due to the introduction of the biometric register.

    Even though the Commission is working around the clock to find possible ways of dealing with the issue, Mr. Kanga cautioned voters to register at polling stations in their neighbourhood.

  • GH: Voters Register Ready, August

    The Electoral Commission (EC) has finished collating data of the 13 million people captured in the biometric voters’ register. The register is slated for exhibition in August, EC officials have disclosed.

    The exhibition will pave the way for a comprehensive voter’s register since voters would be given the opportunity to verify their inclusion in the register that will form the basis of the country’s new electoral database.

  • Ghana 2012 Elections to cost 243, million Ghana Cedis

    Elections 2012 estimated at 243, million Ghana Cedis

    Elections 2012 is estimated to cost the nation 243, 528, 305.00 Ghana Cedis, Electoral Commission (EC) Electoral Budget available to the Ghana News Agency at the weekend revealed.

    The budget estimates that the Biometric Voter Registration Exercise will cost 148,942,378.00 Ghana cedis; the exhibition of the Provisional Register 7,477,966.00 Ghana cedis and the Presidential and Parliamentary elections 87,107,961.00 Ghana cedis.

  • Ghana to test biometric voter system ahead of election

    Ghana’s Electoral Commission will conduct a two-day test of its biometric voter verification system at selected polling stations from November 3 to 4.

    The exercise aims to ensure that biometric machines have been properly evaluated before the upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections.

    The machines will be used to verify voter identity before a voter is provided with a paper ballot, and is the first time biometrics will be used in a Ghana election.

  • Ghana: Biometric voting system by 2016

    Mr Haruna Iddrisu, Minister of Communications, on Thursday said government had targeted 2016 for the implementation of biometric voting system in Ghana. "Government is ready to ensure that e-voting becomes a reality in 2016 but if things go well we may even start with it in 2012," he told a meeting of ICT and e-governance experts in Accra.

    The minister said this when he opened the maiden two-day General Meeting of the Africa E-Governance Academy (AEA). The academy, jointly established by the Open Society Institute of West Africa (OSIWA) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), was designed to develop and transfer knowledge and expertise concerning e-governance in West African countries as well as in Mauritania and Chad.

  • Ghana's Electoral Commission To Get Biometric Voter Equipment

    The Electoral Commission (EC) is to acquire biometric voter equipment by February next year to start biometric voter registration in the first quarter of the year, says Christian Owusu Parry, the EC's Head of Public Affairs.

    He said here on Wednesday that a committee was currently working on the technical aspects of the acquisition process, and added that the EC had agreed to introduce biometric registration since it would help check against double registration and eliminate names of fake voters in the Voters' Register.

  • Ghanaian prisoners will be registered to vote – Dr. Afari Gyan

    Dr. Kwadwo Afari-Gyan, Chairman, Electoral Commission of Ghana, has reiterated that Ghanaians incarcerated in the country’s prisons will be given an opportunity to vote in the upcoming general elections.

    He said in view of that steps have been taken to ensure they take part in this month’s biometric registration that will take place across the country.

    Answering a question on whether prisoners in Ghana would also be covered in the biometric register to vote during the country’s December general elections, after he had addressed a roundtable discussion held in Accra, Dr. Afari-Gyan said “Yes, the prisoners – we will register them and they will vote.”

  • Ghanaians to vote biometrically in 2016 elections

    Ghana’s enthusiastic efforts to consolidate democracy are growing day by day as the government has hinted that plans are at foot for Ghanaians to vote biometrically in the 2016 general elections.

    To this end, the government together with other agencies will introduce a Biometric Voters’ Register soon to register all Ghanaians who are legitimate to cast their votes in the country.

  • Großbritannien nimmt neuen Anlauf zum E-Voting

    Trotz negativer Erfahrungen lässt die britische Regierung ihre E-Voting-Pläne wieder aufleben. Das Department for Constitutional Affairs (DCA) hat jetzt eine noch bis zum 17. November laufende Ausschreibung gestartet, in der sie "zur Modernisierung der Demokratie und zur Wiedereinbindung der Bürger" die Kommunalverwaltungen zur Durchführung von Pilotprojekten bei den Kommunalwahlen am 3. Mai 2007 auffordert. "Das Wahlverfahren muss mit den modernen Lebensstilen übereinstimmen", heißt es in der Ausschreibung.
  • Großbritannien: 20 Prozent wählten elektronisch

    Die Firma VoteHere hat die Kommunalwahlen am 2. Mai in sechs Bezirken auch über das Internet angeboten. In den Wahlbezirken Swindon, Stroud, Stratford Upon Avon, Vale Royal, Shrewsbury und Kerrier konnten über eine halbe Millionen Bürger den elektronischen Urnengang proben.
  • Grünes Licht in den Niederlanden für Nedap-Wahlcomputer

    Nachdem das niederländische Innenministerium sich gestern gegen den Einsatz von Wahlcomputern der Marke SDU bei den Parlamentswahlen am 22. November aussprach, hat der zuständige Minister Atzo Nicolaï am heutigen Dienstag grünes Licht für das Konkurrenzprodukt der Firma Nedap gegeben. Eine offizielle Begründung für die Entscheidung steht bislang allerdings noch aus.
  • Hamburg: Nächste Bundestagswahl soll digital laufen

    Testet am 18. September den digitalen Stift

    Hamburg testet zur kommenden Bundestagswahl ein digitales Abstimmungsverfahren. Zunächst geht der Wähler wie gewohnt in sein Wahllokal und macht seine Kreuze auf dem Stimmzettel, den er dann in die Urne wirft. Danach hat er die Möglichkeit, auf freiwilliger Basis in einem vom Bundestagswahllokal getrennten und als Wahllokal hergerichteten Raum den digitalen Stift als Wahlgerät auszuprobieren, gab Hamburgs Landeswahlleiter Willi Beiß heute bekannt.

  • Historic SMS vote deemed ballot box success

    The first ever vote by mobile phone has passed off without any major hitches in the Swiss town of Bülach.

    More than 11 per cent of the electorate used the Short Messaging System (SMS) to cast their vote in a local poll on Sunday.

    The ballot is part of a series of trials in several regions of the country to introduce e-voting nationwide.

  • How Kenya's High-Tech Voting Nearly Lost The Election

    It was supposed to be the most modern election in African history. Biometric identification kits with electronic thumb pads, registration rolls on laptops at every polling station, and an SMS-relayed, real-time transmission of the results to the National Tallying Center in Nairobi.

    Ambitious? Of course. This is a country where only 23 percent of people have access to electricity.

  • In Estland kommt die Kommunalwahl per Internet

    Das e-voting hat am 16. Oktober Premiere

    Die Esten haben im Kommunikationsbereich die Nase immer wieder vorn: Nicht nur, dass es dort schon lange möglich ist, seine Kinokarten, Bustickets, Süßigkeiten aus dem Automaten oder gar im Restaurant mit dem Handy zu bezahlen, dort können die Bürger am 16. Oktober erstmals bei Kommunalwahlen ihre Stimme per Internet abgeben. Das seit einigen Jahren vorangetriebene Projekt ist nach Ansicht der Macher praxisreif. Heftig kritisiert wurde die neue Möglichkeit zur Stimmabgabe aber von Staatspräsident Arnold Rüütel.

  • In Hamburg wird wohl doch "manuell" gewählt

    Elektronischer Wahlstift derzeit nicht durchsetzbar

    Eigentlich sollte bei der Bürgerschaftswahl in Hamburg im Februar 2008 ein elektronischer Wahlstift zum Einsatz kommen, mit dem Bürger ihre Kreuze auf speziellem Papier machen, die Ergebnisse sollten ausschließlich elektronisch ausgewertet werden. Daraus wird nun vermutlich nichts und stattdessen wie gewohnt die Kreuze auf Papier gezählt.

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