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Donnerstag, 6.02.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
Ghana’s Electoral Commission will conduct a two-day test of its biometric voter verification system at selected polling stations from November 3 to 4.

The exercise aims to ensure that biometric machines have been properly evaluated before the upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections.

The machines will be used to verify voter identity before a voter is provided with a paper ballot, and is the first time biometrics will be used in a Ghana election.

According to the Electoral Commission, training of election officials will begin November 17.

Previously, the Electoral Commission completed a biometric voter registration exercise in May as reported by Kenya’s Citizen News service.

Over 14 million voters in Ghana are expected to cast their ballots at 23,000 polling places on December 7.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Stephen Mayhew

Quelle/Source: Biometric Update, 02.11.2012

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