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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Monday’s visit by Estonian Prime Minister Taavi Rõivas will open new avenues of cooperation for Cyprus with countries the island has not traditionally had close ties with, according to Undersecretary to the President Constantinos Petrides.

In statements to Cyprus News Agency on Sunday, Petrides said this would be the Estonian Prime Minister’s first visit to the island, and this carried political significance, he said.

Read more: Cyprus seeks closer ties with Estonia, help with e-government

Estonian Prime Minister Taavi Roivas is expected to arrive in Cyprus on Monday to sign a Memorandum of Cooperation in order to bring the island’s government up to par on e-government.

E-government (short for electronic government) consists of the digital interactions between a citizen and their government, between governments and government agencies, between government and citizens, between government and employees and between government and businesses/commerce.

Read more: Cyprus at the touch of a button

The Government’s Action Plan for a Cyprus Digital Strategy (2015-17) that was approved by the Council of Ministers this week was welcome news. It was about time Cyprus took the big leap into the digital age that had passed the state sector by for a number of reasons, many of which still exist. However it is positive step that the need for e-government has finally been recognised by the authorities and a decision has been taken, at least in principle, to implement it over the next three years.

Read more: CY: Digital strategy plan needs to be properly executed

The cabinet on Monday announced that it was increasing the role of electronic government for coordinating tasks and monitoring the progress of governmental projects.

The decision is part of an earlier cabinet decision to scrap written procedures and upgrade electronic applications.

Read more: CY: Further progress towards a ‘paperless’ government

The Cabinet on Wednesday approved the action plan Digital Strategy Cyprus to usher in the age of e-government.

The objectives of the plan are to modernise the public sector to operate without paper, simplify processes and save costs and to provide citizens and businesses with a more friendly environment when it comes to red-tape.

Read more: CY: Cabinet approves digital action plan for e-government

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