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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The cabinet on Monday announced that it was increasing the role of electronic government for coordinating tasks and monitoring the progress of governmental projects.

The decision is part of an earlier cabinet decision to scrap written procedures and upgrade electronic applications.

The first-ever e-government cabinet meeting in Cyprus took place in April 2014 when each minister was given a laptop with a special interface providing electronic access to cabinet affairs for easy transfer of digital documents.

Back then it was predicted that the move to the ‘paperless cabinet’ would save some two million sheets of paper annually and would also cut the cost of printing by 95 per cent as only classified documents will be produced in hardcopy.

Monday’s cabinet decision now covers the electronic management of coordinating, recording and monitoring the progress of the overall government work.

“This will radically change the way the public service operates by simplifying the complex and time-consuming traditional procedures,” the announcement said. “It is expected to make competent authorities more effective in implementing government work as a whole and, consequently will offer more productive results.”

The cabinet said it expected the changes would lead to significant savings and a drastic cut in red tape and eliminating duplication.


Quelle/Source: Cyprus Mail, 14.12.2015

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