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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Inland Revenue Department (IRD) is slowly but surely taking Cyprus’ tax collection into the 21st century with the launch of a “radical” online payment service for unpaid taxes.

IRD head Giorgos Poufos yesterday announced a scheme now open to the public whereby taxpayers can pay owed taxes using their credit cards through the JCC Smart online service.

“This service meets the goals of the IRD to better serve the public, reduce inconvenience and cut administrative costs, said Poufos, adding, “it is a pilot programme in its early stages which can be developed further to cover other possibilities”.

Read more: CY: Paying taxes online

Cyprus is second in Europe after Belgium for internet coverage island wide, Communications Minister Erato Kozakou Marcoullis said yesterday.

Marcoullis was speaking at the third annual telecommunications conference Infocom 2011 yesterday, which focused on the use of digital technology to boost economic development.

Internet coverage island wide has taken a mammoth leap since 2009 with coverage rate jumping from a meagre 30 per cent to 100 per cent by 2010, surpassing the European average rate of 82.5 per cent, according to Marcoullis.

Read more: CY: Advertisement Internet coverage good, but usage below EU average

The Interior Ministry’s plan to increase the number of storeys allowed in buildings will happen either with added taxes or by allowing the sale of building coefficients to developers.

According to Interior Minister Neoclis Sylikiotis, who yesterday presented the House Finance Committee with his ministry’s 2009 budget, said the exact number of storeys and the areas these buildings will be built in were currently under evaluation.

Read more: Cyprus: Higher buildings and e-governance in Interior Ministry’s 2009 budget

Doctors of patients with congenital heart defects will soon have access to their patients’ medical records at the click of a mouse anywhere in the world.

Starting next month, the Adult Congenital Heart Defects Association Cyprus (ACHDAC) will begin implementing the e-health project which will allow doctors at any given time, in any country to access their patients’ complete medical histories.

Read more: Cyprus: Let your health card do the talking

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