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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
At the beginning of the year (2011) an open source-based web application for the submission and the calculation of the value of victim support services was implemented by the Federal Ministry of Justice. The system enhances data quality while enabling the actors involved to save both time and costs.

With this application, almost 600 employees from around 50 organisations for victims' assistance, as well as law firms that cooperate with these organisations throughout Austria insert in the system the services that they provided.

Read more: AT: Ministry of Justice uses OS-based eGovernment application for data warehousing

The City of Bregenz has changed its entire telephone infrastructure using the new Open Source (OS) and IP-based telephone solution of an Austrian software company, and has made substantial savings as a result. Since autumn 2010, more than 250 employees of the municipal administration of Bregenz have been using the system at 10 different locations across the city.

The new system, which is a platform for customised solutions that addresses the needs of medium and large organisations, was developed according to the wishes and requirements of workers and IT specialists of Bregenz city council. The service level of the system will continue to be improved.

Read more: AT: City of Bregenz reduces costs with OS-based VoIP telephone system

Mit neuen Technologien die Herausforderungen des Gesundheitssystems meistern

Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien haben längst viele Bereiche der Wirtschaft erobert und erleichtern den Alltag. Auch im Gesundheitswesen halten diese Technologien zum Wohle der Menschheit zunehmend Einzug. Im Forschungsschwerpunkt e-Health entwickelt die Landesforschungsgesellschaft Salzburg Research gemeinsam mit Unternehmen, Gesundheitsdienste-Anbietern und renommierten Forschungseinrichtungen Lösungen für verschiedene Bereiche im Gesundheitswesen. Es werden Lösungen für die vielfältigen Herausforderungen des Gesundheitswesens gesucht. Der aktuell vorliegende Jahresbericht Wissensbilanz 2010 der Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft, gibt online abrufbar unter einen Überblick über die vielseitigen Möglichkeiten durch den Einsatz von e-Health.

Read more: AT: Land Salzburg: Bits und Bytes für unsere Gesundheit

Weit über 100 Anwendungen garantieren Alltagstauglichkeit

Amtswege bequem von zu Hause aus erledigen, Formulare, Verträge und elektronische Rechnungen online signieren, keine mühsamen Login-Prozeduren mehr - mit der Bürgerkarte hat man den Schlüssel für die E-Government-Angebote der Verwaltung und die Web-Dienste der Wirtschaft in der Hand. Weit über 100 Online-Anwendungen sind mit diesem elektronischen Ausweis bereits möglich.

Read more: AT: Die Bürgerkarte - amtlich, kostenlos, praktisch

According to an online magazine aimed at users of the Linux Operating System, since 2008 the Austrian justice ministry has migrated several thousands of desktop PCs to OpenOffice, in a "complete success story" worth highlighting.

The decision was taken in 2007, said Christian Adorjan from Austria's Federal Computing Centre (BRZ), during a recent presentation at the OSSBIG-conference. At that time, there was an operating system update, since the proprietary software provider of the Ministry was phasing out the support for the previously used operating system. In this framework, the software features were reviewed and it was concluded that the users were not satisfied with the office tools employed at the time. The Lotus Word Pro was used as a word processing tool while in house-developed software was used as text editor.

Read more: AT: Department of Justice's migration to OpenOffice a success story

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