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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Ranked first in the EU, E-government in the Alpine Republic is now saving millions for business with online registrations

There is a word in Austrian German that seems to perfectly sum up the efficiency of your average bureaucrat: Amtsschimmel, a wondrous reference to the layer of mold-like dust collecting on government records. Or maybe, say others, the word derived from “simile” and the endless repetitive use of packaged phrases. Either way, the meaning is the same: Bureaucracy works slowly.

Read more: Austrian Efficiency? True! It’s a Miracle!

'eMedikation', i.e. electronic prescriptions as the first large-area of Austria's Electronic Health Record ('ELGA' - Elektronische Gesundheitsakte, in German) project, will start on 1 April 2011 in three pilot regions.

Thanks to this application, pharmacists, doctors and hospitals will be able to see the medication a patient has been prescribed. Thus, possible multiple prescriptions and medications' side-effects will be made available.

Read more: AT: eMedikation to be launched in April 2011 in three pilot regions introduces a series of new changes that will be implemented during 2011 in all ministries and departments.

The editorial team of - the electronic office assistant - has created an overview of the changes that will be implemented in the fields of constitution, administration and media, international affairs, justice, finance, home affairs, defence, economy, labour and social affairs, service and compensation law, health, family, environment and transport and innovation. An overview of these changes can be found online here:

Read more: AT: Changes in ministries and departments are made available online via

"Mehr Effizienz und Einsparungen in Höhe von 30 Mio. Euro pro Jahr in der Verwaltung auf Schiene gebracht"

Beim heutigen Ministerrat konnten wieder wichtige Projekte für mehr Effizienz und Sparsamkeit in der Bundesverwaltung beschlossen werden. "Mit zahlreichen E-Government-Projekten wie beispielsweise dem Unternehmensserviceportal und dem One-Stop Verfahren für die vollelektronische Unternehmensgründung optimieren wir unser Service für Bürger und Unternehmen - zu niedrigeren Kosten für die österreichischen Steuerzahler", so Finanzminister Josef Pröll im Anschluss an den heutigen Ministerrat.

Read more: AT: Finanzminister Pröll: "Weitere Einsparungen durch E-Government-Projekte beschlossen"

In September 2010, Austria announced the sign up of a deal with a technology-enabled solutions and services company to develop a Master Patient Index (MPI) system by 2011; the aim of the system is to provide healthcare professionals with access to electronic patient records, wherever they are stored within the Austrian healthcare system. The technology will form an integral part of Austria's Electronic Health Record project (Elektronische Gesundheitsakte - ELGA, in German).

The MPI is an application that will empower Austria's healthcare professionals to perform a nationwide search for patient records. It is designed to find an individual no matter where their records are stored so that medical staff in different hospitals or departments in locations spread across Austria can access detailed information on a patient in their care.

Read more: Austria: Master Patient Index system will provide streamlined patient records access

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