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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Only 2,082 general diaries filed in one year; unawareness seen as reason

The government move to digitalise policing initially with online general diary has failed to make an impression as most people are unaware of it even a year after its launch.

Most people, who have recently visited police stations to file GDs for snatching, lost documents or other reasons, were found scratching their heads when asked why they did not go for online GDs.

In most cases it turned out that they have never heard of it.

Read more: BD: Online General Diaries fails to make a mark

The e-governance and m-governance applications in Kerala have impressed Bangladeshis too.

A high-level team from Bangladesh has come down to the state to have a hands-on experience of the e-governance projects in the state so as to adopt similar models in their country.

Various e-governance applications are being initiated in Bangladesh as part of an UNDP sponsored programme, Access to Information (A2I).

The delegation led by Mr Razee Mohammad Fakhrul, member of A2I programme, interacted with officials of Akshaya on how the centres were being run in a sustainable manner. A similar citizen services delivery project is being launched in Bangladesh too.

Read more: Bangladesh to go Kerala way

The very idea of a Digital Bangladesh started as part of the election manifesto of Bangladesh Awami League for the 9th Parliamentary elections held in 2008. After the landslide victory of Awami League and formation of the government, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina declared to transform the country into "Digital Bangladesh by 2021" and the idea captured the imagination of the whole nation even without understanding the depth or scope of the issue by the mass people. It generated enormous enthusiasm among the people and they started to think it as a magic wand that will transform the country into a developed country.

"Digital Bangladesh" is an all-encompassing idea. It is not just e-commerce, e-education, or e-banking or e-governance. But among all the components e-governance is the most important for the initiative of "Digital Bangladesh."

Read more: BD: E-governance as a tool of good governance

The Bangalee nation had a dream, which was conveyed by the greatest Bengali of all times — the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

We achieved our independence through a war of liberation after a long stretch of movements and struggle in order to realize that dream.

Half of that dream has now materialized, but our struggle for freedom or economic emancipation is yet to be crowned with success.

Read more: Digital Bangladesh aims to give the citizens a modern identity

Civil Aviation and Tourism Minister GM Quader last evening said Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has correctly envisioned Vision-2021 to advance the nation by adapting with the competitive global scenario.

There is no alternative to learn and utilize the information and communication technologies (ICT) by ensuring easier access of the mass people to information, computers, internet and other digital devices to achieve the development goals, he said.

The PM's Vision-2021 in the present context of globalization will achieve goals of the government's pre-election pledges of Charter of Changes to turn Bangladesh into a corruption-free medium income nation by the year 2021, he said.

Read more: 'Vision-2021 will build corruption-free digital Bangladesh'

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