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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Bangalee nation had a dream, which was conveyed by the greatest Bengali of all times — the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

We achieved our independence through a war of liberation after a long stretch of movements and struggle in order to realize that dream.

Half of that dream has now materialized, but our struggle for freedom or economic emancipation is yet to be crowned with success.

The dream of a Golden Bangla is yet to be attained. Bangabandu’s daughter and leader of the masses Sheikh Hasina had declared a pledge to build a Digital Bangladesh based on her “Vision-2021” in the election manifesto of 2008, keeping in mind her father’s dream.

The main idea of a Digital Bangladesh is to groom the nation as a knowledge-based middle-income country by the year 2021 through utilization of technologies.

It aspires for a poverty and hunger-free Bangladesh through overall uplift of the living standard of Bangla’s inhabitants.

The present government has worked relentlessly during the past two years for achieving that objective. It is a matter of satisfaction that the use of technology, especially that of information technology, has increased substantially due to the involvement of the masses in the sincere endeavors of the government.

People have realized that positive changes were taking place in their lives due to the application of technology. I consider it to be a huge success of the government. The government has succeeded in creating confidence among the citizenry.

The development vision of Sheikh Hasina has striven to bring backward segments of the country’s population to the mainstream by offering them additional assistance. In order to realize that, our objective has been to build a Digital Bangladesh by involving all citizens of the country. Technology is considered a path for progress, and Digital Bangladesh will be for all our masses. We feel more encouraged when we hear from the IT technologists of the present generation that Digital Bangladesh is not a distant world. It is our own world.

It is merely a guarantee for becoming more developed, speedier and acquiring more sensitive technology at affordable prices. Again, it also implies different worlds for different individuals.

For a student, it is an assurance for obtaining high quality education. For a farmer, it is a guarantee for a market for the crops he produces. For a sick man, it is a guarantee for getting good treatment and freedom from standing in the queue day after day.

For a government employee, it is the best medium for communication and evaluation of his work. For a pensioner, a freedom fighter and a widow, it is a guarantee for obtaining safety allowances and pensions with transparency.

The main theme in the philosophy of Digital Bangladesh is to ensure the empowerment of people through optimum utilization of technology, establishment of good governance and above all to meet the needs of all citizens at their doorsteps. Digital Bangladesh will be implemented for the welfare of all citizens irrespective of their wealth or status.

The ICT Policy was adopted in April 2009 soon after the formation of the present government. A total of 306 action plans were taken up in its main program for implementation. The policy has fixed immediate steps, medium-term measures and long-term actions for all ministries. As a result, all bodies of the government are getting ready for e-governance.

The Ministry of Science and Information & Communication Technology is coordinating the whole endeavor.

Many of you have witnessed the digital innovation fair held at Bangabandhu Novo-theater earlier this year. Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina had inaugurated the fair. Local and foreign policymakers, experts and officials from over 100 organizations were present at the inauguration.

Explaining the significance of digital Bangladesh, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina had said then: “It implied paying bills through mobile phones, buying railway tickets from home, getting health care from Upazila level doctors while staying in the village.” She further said “we had made a pledge before the election to build a Digital Bangladesh.”

We have chosen information technology as a tool to fulfill that commitment. We seek to ensure transparency, accountability and good governance at all layers of administration.

Those who are working and providing leadership to the administrative and service sectors of the government have to think anew. They will have to find out how services can be ensured for the country’s 150 million people. We do not want the people to move from door to door of administration for services. Rather, we want services to reach the doorsteps of the citizens.

We have for the first time succeeded in presenting our good intentions before the people. You have noticed that even the secretaries of ministries were now telling the people what they would do for the common man during the coming year. These are big changes. We also witnessed during the digital fair that a canopy of honest competition has been put in place among the concerned ministries in this area.

Many things can be said about our successes in information technology over the past two years. These include getting exam results through SMS and registering for university admission from home. Mention can also be made about the delivery orders received by sugarcane growers through mobile SMS.

I have a firm conviction that people’s interest in technology, especially information technology, has increased because of these developments. As a consequence, the number of mobile phone users has increased by over 20 million during the past two years.

And at governmental level, we were also inspired to establish 4,501 union information service centers throughout the country. Even unions without electricity supply have not been left out. Besides, information centers have also been set up in 125 Upazilas and information portals were launched for 64 districts. We are optimistic that by the grace of Almighty Allah, we shall succeed in building a Digital Bangladesh as desired by Bangabandhu’s daughter before the year 2021.


Quelle/Source: Arab News, 27.03.2011

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